Monday, March 12, 2012

Desmond: 5 months

Oy. It's almost painful when I realize how quickly babyhood is escaping us. I often say that with how fast Des grew after birth, we didn't get enough time in the teensy baby stage. You know...this one...


That was just a week after he was born. 7 days old and oh so little. Why can't it last? I digress...

Desmond is now 5 months old as of the 10th. His favorite past time is to spit and blow raspberries. He loves it so much that he can be found doing this instead of going to sleep during many a nap or bedtime. 

He is a drooly mess most of the time as well. Partly from the spitting and raspberries, but mostly from the furious teething he has been experiencing for the past month. We NEVER had to deal with drool when Kai was a baby so this is new territory for us. Most days I'm not sure if I should put a bib on him or just change his clothes. 


I started a bit of a tradition (if you can call it that) during Kai's baby days. On the exact day he was a month older we would do a little photoshoot. It hasn't gone as well with Des but I always get a few pictures. This month I got more than usual and we let brother join in for the fun. 


Speaking of brother, Desmond LOVES his big brother Malakai. Kai has discovered what makes Des laugh and will do what he can over and over to get him giggling. 


We recently introduced Desmond to his activity jumper. He loves to play with the toys and jump up and down. Kai also likes to join him, connecting links to it for him. He's also been caught trying to climb into it...while Des was in it too. yikes.


Little guy enjoys tummy time and has been pushing his entire belly up off the floor. He can also scoot enough to move 90 degrees from where he had been originally facing. I have a feeling he'll be mobile early.


He is the happiest baby I have ever known. It is a breeze to get him to smile, showing off those great big dimples. He's super social, always looking for a face and lighting up when he finds one looking back at him. He's growing up too fast and I'm enjoying every minute of it. 



  1. Can't get over how adorable he is! And wow! He is a strong one- pushing up like that!

  2. And who taught him to do that raspberries? My guess is Ben....LOL
    Sooooo cute!

  3. They do grow so fast. I want a baby in the house again.

    It sounds like Desmond will be an early crawler like Liam. Liam was very mobile about a week or two before he turned 7 months.

  4. It really is flying by; he looks so much like his big brother & they are both adorable.

    B climbed into Colton jumpy all the time & now that those are gone he climbs into his walker.........wants to see what all the fuss is I guess :)

  5. desmonds expressions are amazing!!

  6. Dangit, my husband logged in on my computer again. This is Bekah. sorry!


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