Friday, April 24, 2009

28 weeks- with a picture!

How far along? 28 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: closer to 25 pounds now...**tears**
Maternity clothes? feel like I'm growing out of the ones I have already!
Stretch marks?nope.
Sleep: tossing and turning- I'm pretty used to it now.
Best moment this week: watching him make my belly move- that's pretty much the best moment of every week for me.
Movement: he's so active- except last night he decided to wedge himself down into my hip and it hurt so bad. Couldn't get him to budge for hours!
Food cravings: everything. Ben made mistake of breaking our "don't take your pregnant wife to the grocery store when she's hungry" rule last night...
Gender: boy.
Labor Signs: braxton hicks. practice makes perfect I guess.
Belly Button in or out? still mostly flat and poking out at the top. It changes depending on my position actually.
What I miss: being able to "rough-house"
What I am looking forward to: picking out a crib and getting it set up.
Weekly Wisdom: take it easy.
Milestones: first time feeling contractions.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

contractions & really late 27 week picture/survey

Will this pregnancy ever have a boring moment? I think I've given up on the possibility. However, I was told by an OB today that our baby is perfect (not that I didn't know that already) and that he moves more than any other baby she's ever seen!

So backing up...last night I felt my first Braxton Hicks contraction. It was pretty uncomfortable, but I had already taken a Tylenol PM to try to sleep through my back ache so I didn't have any issues sleeping.

Today I was feeling kind of crampy and had a couple more contractions so I decided to call the triage nurse at my OB's office. She said that it could be my uterus "thinking" it's dehydrated even though I've been drinking enough and that I should go home and lay down with a hot towel on my stomach and to also drink two tall glasses of water.

I told my boss, walked over to my husband's office to get our car keys (we work at the same place and carpool) and walked out to the car. As soon as I got in the nurse called back. She had spoken to my Doctor, who wanted me to come in and be seen right away.

I called Ben to tell him I was driving to the OB's office and I got myself scared at the thought that something could be wrong and I'd be there without him. He drove a work vehicle and met me there just in time, thank God!

They asked me all sorts of questions and hooked me up to some monitors. One was to monitor baby's heart rate and the other for contractions. Of course I didn't have any the whole time I was hooked up to it and baby was moving so much they couldn't get a steady measurement of his heart rate. He kept kicking the monitor thing and the nurse called him a little booger...hehe. She's right though!

So, they checked my cervix and made sure I'm not leaking any fluid...everything's good! And then the OB (not my main one, but someone in her practice) did an ultrasound to check his heart rate, since she couldn't get a good reading from the monitor, and to make sure he's moving consistently and there's enough fluid. That's when she told us that he met all the things they look for "in record time" and that he's perfect :)

She told me to monitor the contractions and cramps and if I had more than 4 in one hour to come back in. Ben took me home and I napped. I had another contraction as soon as I woke up and then another an hour later. That was two hours ago and nothing since. Apparently it can be normal to have contractions EVERY day. Please, oh please, no! They are not fun...but at least I have an idea of what they feel like for future reference.

In honor of my eventful afternoon- here is my late 27 week survey and a very unflattering picture of me after work last night.

How far along? 27 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: still around the 20lb mark.
Maternity clothes? all the time. Just bought some maternity shorts and cropped pants for the lovely weather we've been having.
Stretch marks? nothing new yet, I'm pretty amazed!
Sleep: I wake up every two hours to change positions and pee.
Best moment this week: my mom telling me to "rock it" when I came out in a bump baring bikini. It was hysterical.
Movement: the most active baby of all time!
Food cravings: ice cream- had cake batter with brownie mix in at Coldstone last week...perfection.
Gender: boy.
Labor Signs: false ones.
Belly Button in or out? mostly flat, but all funky at the top from my navel piercing (that I removed 3 years ago!)
What I miss: wine with Italian food- Ben had wine twice this week!
What I am looking forward to: May 5th, our first baby shower. A co-ed one at work.
Weekly Wisdom: drink more water than what they tell you.
Milestones: seeing our little man for a few minutes on the ultrasound- he's getting so big!

Friday, April 17, 2009

work events

I work til after 10pm tonight and then from 7:45am-3pm tomorrow. I may not live to see the sun that has been forecasted for Sunday.

poked & prodded

Just got back from my 1 hour glucose test. That drink is NOT my fave...but it wasn't awful. It did however, make me feel nauseated by the time I got home.

Everything went well at the check up with my doc. I'm measuring normal and she found baby's heartbeat right away. I go back in 3 weeks and then every 2 weeks until 36.

I also had to get my rhogam shot in the rear. I was hoping to wait til my next appointment since I had one at 14 weeks and I didn't want to have blood drawn AND have an injection on the same day ...especially because I have a long work day ahead. Oh well.

The blood draw wasn't that bad anyway considering I've had it done countless times throughout my pregnancy. Last time was an IV which is way worse than a regular blood draw.

Now I just get to wait for results. I'm not too concerned about the glucose test, but my iron was borderline low at the beginning of my pregnancy and I really don't want to do an iron supplement.
Wish me luck!

Monday, April 13, 2009

26 weeks picture and survey

Ben and I on Easter Morning

 photo 26w2dsdaddy.jpg

How far along? 26 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: gained 20 lbs. already!
Maternity clothes? all but a few long shirts that I'm still able to fit into
Stretch marks? I thought I had new ones, but it was a false alarm. phew!
Sleep: naps seem way better than sleeping at night.
Best moment this week: daddy reading a story to his son
Movement: SO much. My SIL felt it on Saturday and was SO excited.
Food cravings: everything...I want to eat it all!
Gender: Still a boy!
Labor Signs: none.
Belly Button in or out? It's flat on the bottom and starting to poke out at the top
What I miss: the absence of back pain and middle of the night charlie horse leg cramps.
What I am looking forward to: it's hard to say- I'm at the point where it seems like I'm going to be in pain and agony for the next three months.
Weekly Wisdom: take PNVs for your own health, even after they have no effect on the babe.
Milestones: being huge...and everyone noticing.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Going to the doc today

Ben is making me. I was going to try to go to work again today, but I could barely breath all night and I sound more and more like a frog-man when I try to talk.
I'm hoping there is something they can give me. I'm guessing antibiotics are limited when pregnant, plus I'm allergic to half of the normal stuff they usually give for this kind of thing.
wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

sick and venting about it

I've had a mild cold on and off that would get bad for a few hours or a day and then taper off...for the past two month. My husband's has been the same, and he finally got worse on Monday. He went in to the Dr. and they gave him antibiotics for a sinus infection. I had him ask about what I could do if I get sick, being pregnant and allergic to all the main antibiotics (amoxycillin, penacyllin...). They said that I should come in if I had his symptoms and they'd perscribe something that I could take. I was hoping they wouldn't say that...I don't want to have to pay another $25 co-pay!

So yesterday I had a sore throat that got worse as the day wore on. I was blaming it on allergies and praying that I wasn't getting sick. I woke up this morning with a frog-man voice, so I'm definetly sick in a bad bad way.

All I want to do is drink tea...but pregnancy complicates my options there, as it does will EVERY THING!I looked up my options and they are quite few. My husband runs the bookstore/cafe on the University campus that we both work at, so I was hoping he'd find me something but they have limited tea options. There's a Starbucks down the street but their teas have a million different herbs in each. I just want a simple tea with just peppermint or just cammomile....apparently that's too much to ask for.

Also- I'm stuck at work. First of all, because I don't have any sick days left. I could use vacation time, but I'm the ONLY person in my building right now. So... it's not an option. Two staff members are on vacation, two are working on a photoshoot and will be in and out all day and the other is the front desk person who I happen to be covering while she's at the dentist.

Somebody shoot me? please?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

25 week pic and survey


How far along? 25 weeks & 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: somewhere between 10 and 15.
Maternity clothes? make me feel like my wardrobe shrank by over half!
Stretch marks? I think a few light ones
Sleep: it's either getting better or I'm just learning to deal with the aches and pains
Best moment this week: my co-worker/friend seeing him move my belly.
Movement: ALL the time, yesterday was almost none stop.
Food cravings:everything.
Labor Signs: please no.
Belly Button in or out? flat
What I miss: my pre-pregnancy body
What I am looking forward to: baby showers- first one is May 9th!
Weekly Wisdom: don't take a hungry pregnant woman to the grocery store.
Milestones: he moved up and flattened out my belly button.

Friday, April 3, 2009


My husband blogged about me and my pregnant brain today....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Apparently I've "popped"

I haven't had many comments on the growth of my baby bump, except from my husband. He adores my belly...which is sweet, and really helpful for the self-esteem.
Over the past week, I have had non-stop mentions of how much I've grown and how pregnant I look.
First it came from my Gram on Facebook (yes, she's on facebook) and she said something to the effect of us having a big baby.
Then my 18-year-old sister who I hadn't seen in two weeks takes a look at me and says "you got big". When I complained to her she and my mom both replied with "well you did!"
I get to work on Monday of this week and my boss (also pregnant) says she swears that my belly had grown since she'd seen me last (3 days).
I was talking to Ben about how I feel like my belly is finally moving up. I've been carrying super low and my belly button was flat only on the sides and bottom. Literally the next day, the top of my belly button flattened out too!
I'm not really offended by any of these comments, and I love being and (finally) looking pregnant. I just never expected the barrage of comments all at once!
I'll take some updated pics and post them soon.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


It's my new constant companion.
I have experienced it here and there throughout this whole pregnancy, but it has been UGLY this week.
Tums, cold milk, and fro-yo can't even save me.

Oh my bras in the mail. They all had weird seams or didn't fit. I was going to exchange until I tried on cheap nursing bras that aren't actually my "size" at Target and they fit (who knew?). I'm sending those fancy $50 ones back and sticking to the $15 variety for now.
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