Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Off to see Santa

Over the past weekend we managed to sneak in a visit to one of our favorite places, Johnson Brothers Greenhouses out in Coburg. We've enjoyed taking the kids out there at least once a month for their Seedlings Kid's Garden Club, which is a super fun + always cute make and take. We love going out there even more ever since we've befriended the owners...who we actually met at church before we knew the connection. Small world and happy coincidence!

This past Saturday happened to be Seedlings, the kid's made adorable pine cone ornaments, but also, Santa was making an appearance! While we waited for him to show the kiddos also wrote letters after finishing their ornaments. This was right up Malakai's alley as he's obsessed with writing letters and making lists.

While waiting in line to see Santa Clause, the kiddos could hardly contain their excitement. Aurelia enjoyed observing Santa from afar while snuggling with Katie, and the boys explored the displays and got a talking to about smiling for the picture ;)

Aurelia is typically very friendly and likes to be held by just about anyone, but she wasn't so sure about Santa. I may be odd, but these photos of her reaction crack me up every time I look at them.

Ben did a great job of snapping these photos quickly. Look how great the boys are smiling! I'm sure it had nothing to do with the promise of hot cocoa afteward...

Santa didn't seem to pleased that I went in for another try, but crying or not I wanted at least one photo of all 3 kiddos to look back on.

We haven't done Santa photos in a couple years, but here is a post that includes a visit to Santa.

What are some of your family traditions in the weeks leading up to Christmas?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Fall 2015

I keep hoping that time will slow down and I'll get to savor these days with my kids being small, especially Aurelia's baby-ness, but it's flying by faster than ever. We do our best to weed things out of our schedule, even things that we might REALLY want to do, in an effort to keep life at a manageable pace. Even so, we find ourselves feeling pretty busy most days, which I guess is inevitble with small children.

At the beginning of the school year Malakai tried out soccer for the first time. He liked it a lot, but the jury is out as to whether or not he will want to play again next season. Now he's in basketball and he's really enjoying it. He doesn't have much experience with basketball and it really showed his first few practices, it was pretty cute watching him learn new skills and the rules of the game. His coach is so very patient and really great at teaching him techniques for dribbling, shooting, gaurding, and all those other basketball musts. 

Last month I had the joy of accompanying Malakai on his first pumpkin patch field trip with all the 1st graders at his school. It was such a fun little trip and I loved seeing him interact with the other children and his teacher. We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day! We've been trying to get more involved withouot overloading our schedule (as I mentioned before) so we can get to know more families and help Malakai feel a part of the community at his school. I'm chomping at the bit to volunteer on a more regular basis, just waiting on his teacher to need me!

Desmond is getting back into the groove of wanting to do school again. For a stretch he wasn't really into it. He wanted to play superheros all day long and even when he said he wanted to do school he struggled with following directions because he would change his mind or want to rush through to get to something else. Thankfully he's liking it again and is getting into memorizing Bible verses and sounding out letters. We have done just a little name writing practice and he surprised me last week by writing his name at an activity we were attending at Malakai's school. 

Aurelia is fine tuning all sorts of new skills. She's walking all over the place, but still has some sturdiness issues and trips on a regular basis. I love watching her wobbly walk and the look of excitement and pride when she gets going fast for a long stretch. She just stood up from sitting without grabbing something for help for the first time this week.  She is doing a lot of talking, signing and mimicing of noises and behaviours. She said "hi, dada" and waved at him the other day. If she hears Ben come home from work she will toddle down the hallway to greet him, arms up high wanting a hug. She says mama and follows me around all day long. She has been going through a clingy stage, which I think has to do with working on some molars because it's also really messing with her sleep.

Aurelia's newest words are "uh-uh" while shaking her head no, "mm-hm" while nodding yes, "muh" or "num" while signing for more to eat, "hewwo" while putting a toy phone up to her ear and "wook" while pointing for you to look at something. 

Ben + I have not only been busy with the kid's activities but various social events and projects of our own. In the last couple months, with the help of our wonderful families, he has installed a new tub surround (which also required new dry wall, and repainting the bathroom) and added a concrete slab to our side yard. These have been on our to-do list for quite some time so it feels good to have them done and I'm so proud of Ben's hard work as he pressed on to learn new things and get the work done quickly!

In the midst of it all I'm hoping to get back to updating here more. I knew I wouldn't get to or really want to make this space a priority during this past year with so many new things and it felt like a very pivitol year for me as a mother, savoring the baby days of our last child. I'm still savoring the days but also able to find time to do some of my hobbies that I put aside, like blogging, a little more.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Aurelia's 1st Birthday

 I still have Malakai's birthday to post about, but since it's most fresh on my mind and in my camera card, I'll share how we celebrated Aurelia's very first birthday.

{the coral dress in these photos is the same newborn sized dress}

Aurelia turned one year old on September 5th and I mourned the fact that her baby days are slipping away. I'm still wondering where the last 12 months disappeared to. We celebrated her growing and learning and the joy she brings to our little family. Sadly, she had been very sick the entire week prior with 3 visits to the pediatrician, 2 trips to the pharmacy, and numerous called to the triage nurse. It started the week before when she had been acting fussy and spiked a fever for just a day. It broke on it's own and she didn't really have any other symptoms beside being extremely irritable. On Friday I decided to take her in just to be sure before the weekend hit and we had to resort to urgent care if things got worse. We saw one of the new providers at our pediatricians office and she checked Aurelia's ears, which were my suspicion because of her behavior, and despite no other symptoms she did in fact have an ear infection. 

She was limited in what antibiotics she could take due to previous side effects, so we decided to try the same one she had with her last ear infection in early June. After 2 days and no real improvement in her mood, she woke with a mild case of hives on her belly. That night she vomited shortly after taking another dose of her medicine. The next day we went in to the doctor to chat about her reactions and changing medicine. Then Aurelia started refusing the medicine, she'd spit it no matter how we tried to give it to her. By the Friday, a full week from when we previously took her in we were back for the 3rd visit to see if her meds were doing any good since she was spitting them out. Thankfully her ear was improving, so we kept attempting to get to to swallow as much as possible and prayed for healing. We were able to celebrate Grandma Debbie's birthday that day without too much of a fuss. 

On her birthday she was in great spirits. We went out to one of our favorite places, Johnson Brothers Greenhouses out in Coburg, Oregon. They do a really sweet little kids' event the first Saturday of every month. Then we actually celebrated her little friend who happens to be 8 days younger at her birthday party and ended the day playing at home together.

Sunday after church we threw her a simple little garden party at our dear friend's home and she was just a peach the entire day. It was so nice to have her finally feeling better.

{Mima outdid herself again with a beautiful cake}

We had some light snacks and drinks for our guests and played lawn games and had a good old fashioned visit.

We watched her daintily eat her very first bites of cake and frosting, and play with tissue and wrapping paper as she opened up gifts.

{banana applesauce smash cake}

She watched the big kids play and got passed around from grandparents, to aunts + uncles, to friends and crawled around in the grass with here cousin, brothers and little friends. 

It was a perfect little afternoon celebration for our sweet and sassy little girl. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Preschool Home"

We are loving getting back into the routine of school around here. As I did with Malakai I am homeschooling Desmond for his Pre-Kindergarten year. He lovingly calls it "preschool home".

Sonlight Curriculum

If you're looking at homeschool curriculum options I'd encourage you to consider Sonlight. This is my first year using it and we love it already. I'm so glad that friends of ours were able to share it with us and that we went with their recommendation. I wanted to pass along some of my favorite reasons why it really works for us.

* My children are getting a great education and loving it! Sonlight is a literature-based curriculum, so we read tons of great books out loud together. The kids devour plenty of books on their own, too. We stay away from boring textbooks and really engage in what we're learning. Desmond is currently using the Pre-K curriculum and Malakai (in 1st grade) is always begging to join us or save lessons for when he's home.

* That time spent reading together on the couch is creating some great memories--we learn so much about each other as we discuss the events, ideas and characters we discover.

* With the Instructor's Guides Sonlight provides, we can just open up the guide and do school every day without me spending much time planning. This is by far my favorite part about buying a homeschool curriculum. 2 years ago with Malakai I used a free curriculum but had to do all the purchasing and lesson planning weekly, it was like having a part time job! This way I can spend my evenings hanging out with my husband after the kids are in bed!

{our little school area}

* Sonlight prepares my kids to engage with the world around them. We study lots of different cultures and don't just focus on US history. My kids know that not everyone is like us, and they're learning to care about those around them with an intelligent and Christ-centered love.

* Sonlight offers the best risk-free offer of anyone. You can take a whole year to use 18-weeks of a curriculum package or Instructor's Guide. If you don't love it, send it all back (used books and all) and receive a full refund of every penny you paid.

* I get all the help I need from Sonlight's online forums, their curriculum advisors (who can help me choose which products will fit my family best) and their customer relations team.

I should also mention that on top of that, Sonlight has a Rewards Program I enjoy. If you decide to purchase from Sonlight, enter my Rewards ID when you register an account on their site and you'll get $5 off your first order ($50 or more).

My Rewards ID: SP20422761

Or just use this link:


Check out the "Why Sonlight" page for some great articles about Sonlight that may help.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Day of School, 2015

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around both of my boys starting school today. Desmond for the very first time. So far we have homeschooled the "Pre-K" year and then our kids go to a local school for Kindergarten on up. This saves us money on those Preschool years and gets me using my teaching degree. It was a challenge when I first homeschooled Malakai because I was doing all the lesson planning while juggling everything else and halfway through the year I was pretty sick while newly expecting Aurelia.  We've lived and learned and are trying something new this year with Desmond. We are using a homeschool curriculum called Sonlight recommended by a handful of friends. Everything is planned out for me and it's largely book-based, which we love. I didn't have to do any late night planning while the kids slept, I didn't have to stress when Aurelia was a challenge at nap time and only napped half an hour because everything was ready for us when we were able to get to it.

My plan of action for having a kiddo in full-day school away from home is to prep as much as possible the night before. Malakai has his routines written out and posted (I started this to motivate him to wear clothing when he was a 3 year old and it just stuck). His clothes are put out, his lunch and snack for the next day (or two) are packed and ready, his backpack is stocked and set out and we are ready to roll for the following morning.

The hardest part is waking up at 6am after being up several times the night before. Aurelia's constant teething (she's working on her 8th) and frequent ear infections have trained her to frequently wake and need comforted back to sleep. However, even with a lack of good solid sleep, waking up before the kids really feels great in terms of being able to get myself ready for the day before needing to help them get breakfast and move forward with their to-do's.

It was so nice feeling like we got ready on time and even out the door early. We took some pictures with our cute little signs and loaded up the beloved mini-van. All of my good feelings unraveled when I had to navigate walking 3 kids 2 blocks with a vase full of flowers in one hand and a heavy bag of school supplies in the other while pushing a stroller and making sure the boys didn't get hit by a car because there were no sidewalks. Thankfully I kept my composure and we all lived to see the 1st grade. Malakai sorted out his supplies into the marked boxes (I'm so thankful he loves stuff like that) and disappeared into his classroom. Desmond gave the flowers to Kai's teacher because Malakai was too shy and then I lost him. I figured he was fine for a moment so I could at least say goodbye to Malakai, who didn't want a hug. Des was getting in to the toys, of course, and I'm just ever so thankful he didn't tantrum about not getting to stay and play with them.

We made it out the door, chatted with some friends on our way and headed home. Desmond said he didn't want to do "preschool home" yet which was fine because it was 9 am and I hadn't even had coffee yet. He played sweetly while I got Aurelia down for a late morning nap and we had 30 minutes to ourselves to go over our memory verse, days of the week, a few stories and work book time before she woke up again. By then he was asking for more and more school work. Thankfully I have a few extra workbooks that are only 90% colored by Malakai so he was able to hunt for some pages to finish while I prepared lunch.

It was odd to have Malakai gone for so many hours, but somehow they just flew by and it was nearly time to pick him up. We played together, the 3 of us and the house was eerily quiet for early afternoon.

Ben came home early so he could greet Kai at pick up since he wasn't able to make drop off. When we saw him he looked a little pale and a lot tired. He said he didn't feel well because he went in circles too fast on the tire swing. We sat in the shade for a bit while Des played on the play ground. I chatted with his teacher and he perked up enough to play a bit and cooperate for a few more first-day photos before we headed home and vegged out for their daily ration of screen-time.

{not feeling so hot}

 {got his groove back}

{annual photo by the pillars}

All in all, first day of school conquered. Hope yours went well too!

Monday, July 20, 2015

oh hey...

Just dropping in to say hi...and that I can't believe this pretty little girl of mine will be turning 1 year old in just over 6 weeks...

...carry on. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

from the drafts: Surgery

I'm SO behind on updating around here. I miss sharing what our family is up to in more than the snippets instagram posts provide. The busier we've been, the more I wanted to update, and the more back logged this place was and thus goes the vicious circle. I'm finally sitting down to break the silence, amidst the busyness, I'm taking a moment to update. First I'm publishing this post that has been sitting in my drafts all summer. I have photos buried deep somewhere but if I go digging for them this will never get published, so here's the details without all the cuteness to offset...

____Originally written Jun 17th, 2015______

Yesterday Malakai had his much anticipated ear tube procedure. My sister stayed the night so she could be here that morning to stay with Desmond and Aurelia while Ben and I took Kai in. Check in was supposed to be an hour before the procedure but it turned into 2 hours. Thankfully Malakai was in great spirits and we got through the waiting period pretty easily. He had talked previously about being excited to wear the mask and go to sleep, so we went with that and pumped it up to sound amazing. Once we got to that point the anesthesiologist put the mask on pretty abruptly and Malakai's eyes got big with shock. I am so glad I was there to soothe him and that he was able to calmly go under. 

After he was asleep I walked back to Ben who was waiting in pre-Op, took off the hospital gown, we walked to the waiting room where I sent a few texts to relatives that he was in surgery. I ran to the restroom, came back and started to chat with Ben when the surgeon came out to tell us he was finished. The procedure literally took him 5 minutes. Another 10 minutes and we were called back to see Malakai. The nurse said he quietly opened his eyes and just said a quiet yes when asked if he wanted his parents. He was a little dizzy and pretty hungry, but came out of the anesthesia so smoothly that all we had to wait for to go home was him finishing his popsicles that they promised him. 

Honestly the hardest part of the whole thing was afterward when he had to slowly ease into consuming clear fluids before he could have solid food. He hadn't eaten since dinner the night before so he was very hungry. I'm so glad he had an appetite, but it's not fun to tell your hungry kiddo he can't eat (over and over again). We watched a couple movies to distract him from his hunger and relax a while. 

Mima came to visit and brought jello and painting books. The jello was great because it sort of tricked him into thinking he was eating, but technically it was still "clear fluids". The painting gave him and Des something quiet to do besides watching tv. Then Grandma and Grandpa came by with smoothies and by then we eased him into eating with some crackers. They also brought Legos, which provided more quiet activity for a while. Second to not letting him eat, getting Malakai to rest was quite challenging. He wanted to bounce around on the couch and just get up and play. I recall the same thing when he had his first surgery 3 years ago. 

Thankfully he slept really well all night and woke feeling pretty good. We even went to my Bible study this morning and he played just like normal with the other kids. I'm hopeful that the tubes will be what he needs to keep him from having ear infection and after ear infection.


Update: As of today, September 8th, 2015, Malakai had a happy and healthy summer with no complications! We are so thankful and hopeful for a fall and winter without ear infection drama for him. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

still around...

Hey all... just in case you're wondering, I'm still blogging here. Goodness, it's been a long time. Spring has passed us by all too quickly and I can barely find time to get the regular things done around our home with all the extras going on lately. It all comes on at once!

If you follow along with us on Instagram or Facebook, you may have seen some of what has kept us so busy. Here's more of what we've been up to...

Aside from our normal weekly schedule of getting Kai to and from Kindergarten in the afternoons, visiting with both sets of Grandparents at least once a week, squeezing in play dates, and attending church functions 3 times a week, we've found room to cram some special activities in as well.

Spring is such a busy time all of a sudden with a kiddo in school. It seems they pile on events all at once. Last week Malakai's class had a field trip to Public Works. It was an open house day so there were a LOT of other field trips and families as well. I was able to take Malakai while Ben's mom watched Desmond and Aurelia. It was such a treat to help out with his class and have some time to just focus on him. It was also nice to connect with other parents, since Aurelia was born on the 3rd day of school I haven't been in his classroom as much as I had envisioned.

The following day we had a Jog-a-thon fundraiser for the school so I packed up all 3 kiddos and joined the other Kindergarten parents and students in the rain to help count laps as kiddos dashed around the track. It was such a blessing because although it had been rainy and was pretty wet, the rain let up for the hour that our kiddos ran. Desmond wasn't too into it, which really surprised me. I talked him into doing one lap around with Malakai and they walked huddled together the whole way around. Malakai did 19 laps in one hours, which I think is close to 2 1/2 miles.

We've spent a lot of time at our pediatrician's office lately. Unfortunately all 3 kiddos have been suffering ear infections. Aurelia has had 2 in the last 2 months, Malakai had one and Desmond had a double. Keeping track of medicines has been fun. I've been really thankful for my collection of essential oils right about now for general sickness, ear discomfort and seasonal discomforts alike.

Sadly Malakai will need surgery to have ear tubes put in to keep him from having so many ear infections. I had hoped we would get past this season with no more infections, but he had another right after allergies hit. I'm wishing we had done this last year, but we thought for sure he'd mature out of it. After school is out we'll get it all taken care of and pray that ear infections will be a thing of the past for him!

Lately I've been spending a lot of time gardening. We have quite a bit of green in our little veggie garden! I have 5 different lettuces, 2 tomatoes, onions, carrots, red peppers, cilantro, basil and strawberries clustered in big and small containers. We've already enjoyed a few salads out of our garden, the basil is new within the last few days, and sadly the birds got to the few red berries I had, but I'm hoping to beat them to the next round!

The only thing growing faster than our little veggie garden is our sweet daughter. She is doing so many new things! She's doing this hilarious scoot crawl and she is FAST. She is able to get into a lot of things and I've found myself cleaning the floors much more often. She loves to spit her food, even when she likes it. 

We've also been getting outside and taking advantage of the great weather we've been having as much as possible. Playing at the park or in our own front yard has been a lot of fun. Aurelia loves to watch the big kids play so we will often sit on a blanket together while the boys play on the playground. Her new favorite thing is to pick and try to eat the grass now that she can crawl to it. 

She used to hate the feel of grass but today I set her down so I could carry a watermelon in from the car and she was very excited. 

Hopefully I'll get to updating again here sooner than I have been. I have so much more to share and I still have a few informational posts about essential oils in the works too! 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Events: Spring Bazaar

Hey friends...I just wanted to let you local readers know of an upcoming event that is a definite must! I usually tag along to a few bazaars in the winter time around the holidays to shop and to sell some of my handmade items. This year I found a great opportunity in the Poppies and Petunias Spring Bazaar and  had to snag a table to share some handmade goodies. 

My mom's precious little dolls will be there in a variety of styles... you HAVE to come see them and snag one for your favorite little girl (or guy!). 

My aunt + I have been crocheting up a storm and will have a variety of items. My most popular has been these crochet baby toys. 100% cotton, no filling. Get them wet, freeze them, or use them as is and just throw them in the wash whenever needed! Super easy and very popular with teething babies! 

We'll have hats, headbands, spa items, spring scarves, and more. 

Everything would make great gifts, especially with mother's day around the corner! Click on the link above to check out the Facebook event page and see items from us and other sellers ahead of time! Hope to see you there! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Desmond Lee: 3 1/2

Desmond is officially halfway through being a three year old. He's sweet, I'll give him that, but I must admit that we are 2 for 2 in the challenging 3-year-olds department. Maybe Aurelia will give us a break when she turns 3- but I won't be placing any bets on it! It seems that 2 year olds get the worst reputation but 3 year olds are more difficult in my opinion. They're bigger, more opinionated and more capable of mischief than 2 year olds for sure. Maybe it's just my boys, but they are quite strong-willed and it seems to culminate at this age.

All that said, we sure do love our Desmond at any age. At his best he is sweet and hysterical and imaginative. He loves to follow around his big brother, but when he feels wronged by Malakai, Desmond doesn't take it lightly. Lately we've been working on getting him to talk about his feelings with Malakai rather than running to Ben or I for help or just to give us a play by play of what's going on. 

Des is still learning how to be gentle with Aurelia, but he really adores his little sister. He has taken to calling her "Sis-tie" which I do not understand, but it's mostly adorable (except when he yells it in her face or when she's trying to sleep). He likes to make her smile (who doesn't) and whenever she cries he will run to her room to find a toy to bring her.

Desmond knows colors and variations on colors. He even problem solved an issue of he and Malakai both having the favorite color green by saying one of them could be dark green and the other light green. He caught on to that and shapes long ago but isn't as interested in numbers and letters yet. He sings about half the alphabet before making up his own words or just ending the song, but to my surprise he knows most of the letters by sight. He counts to 5 easily and to 10 accurately most of the time. He's great with one-to-one correspondence and much to my relief he is great at using his manners when out in public (I've heard this several times from his sweet Sunday school teachers). Just the other day I tried to give him a cuddle and he said "No thank you mama, we keep our hands to ourselves." Who can argue with that?

He sure does love to do whatever Malakai is doing much of the time. We often have to find him something to distract him to get Kai the alone time he craves. It sure is sweet when Malakai reads to him though. I can't help but snap a picture of them huddled up over a book every single time.

The two of them are getting more rough in their play, which I don't mind most of the time except when it becomes one sided and someone stops respecting boundaries. I'm sure that will only get more extreme as they grow, but I hope they always play together.

Desmond loves to play pretend and pulls anyone around into his world of make believe. He will assign you a character and expect you to act accordingly, which can be especially difficult if you aren't familiar with what he wants you to do or say.

The most recently developments have been his ability to completely tune out the entire world around him. I could be in his face saying his name and he's still focused on something else. He's mastered the art of selective hearing.

Desmond is a total bruiser. Literally 5 minutes after I took most of these photos he ran from the grass to the aggregate driveway and tripped, landing on his face. His poor head has endured quite a few dings (including stitches already) and my poor heart has been through the wringer!

He has also started needing less help at bed time over the last few weeks. This has been a LONG time coming. For the past year and a half he has needed Ben to put him to bed and lay with him until he fell asleep. While he was still napping it could take him up to an hour to fall asleep, and if you got up before he was out you'd be starting the process all over. He wouldn't let me put him to sleep except for very rare occasions, which meant that Ben didn't get to go anywhere in the evenings. Whenever we tried Des would just stay up and torture me until Ben came home. Now Ben will lay down with him for 2 minutes, say goodnight and shut the door and Desmond will be fast asleep in a matter of minutes. It's a small miracle that we are thoroughly enjoying.

We absolutely love our creative and rambunctious little Desmond and can hardly believe he'll be 4 in just 6 short months!

L&L Winner!

Thanks so much for your support of Linden & Lilah as our latest featured artist.

Be sure to head over to Amanda's etsy shop and grab your favorite item if you aren't our lucky winner, who happens to be...

Sara McDonald! 

Sara has been notified by email and has 48 hours to reply before an alternate will be chosen. In the case of an alternate winner, they will be notified privately. 

Coming soon:

Essential Oils: How to buy and how NOT to buy

>>> Want to see your business featured here? Contact me about a feature and/or giveaway by emailing shandell@breakingnewground.us <<<

Monday, April 6, 2015

Linden & Lilah: feature, review + GIVEAWAY!

Hi friends...I'm so excited to introduce you to our latest featured handmade shop. Linden & Lilah is run by Amanda, a former college classmate of mine who I have reconnected with through social media over the last few years. Her son and Desmond are nearly the exact same age and have a lot in common.

Now for my favorite part of featuring artists and crafters, getting to know more about them and their creative process!

Where are you located + are you from there originally? 
I am currently located in Everett, WA. I am originally from California but I've also lived in Minnesota and Oregon. Washington has been my home for the past 9 years and once you've lived in Seattle, it's hard to imagine living anywhere else! 

How did you come up with your shop name? 
Linden & Lilah are the names of my children. 

How long have you had your shop?  
I started working on L&L a year ago. My Etsy shop has only been open since October 2014. 

What inspires you?
Imperfection! I struggle with perfectionism and often have let my fear of failing hold me back. What I love about L&L is that the beauty of hand carving and individually stamping each item, I can't have perfection. It forces me to embrace imperfection and makes me love each variation. 

What is your favorite item in your shop? 
Currently my favorite item is the organic dijon feather dress. It is a special item because it's the only dress I've made and it is just so pretty!  

Do you have any other jobs or hobbies? 
My main job is being a wife and mother, that takes up most of my time! I dabble in blogging, I love cooking and since having children, I have loved throwing fun parties.
Share an interesting fact about yourself. 
I am fascinated with child birth and someday when I am finished having babies of my own I would love to be certified as a doula and childbirth educator. 

What do you hope your future holds?
My hopes for L&L- We are in the process of listing our first home for sale and I dream of a space in our next home where I can have a dedicated studio to work in. Currently I draw and carve my stamps on my dining table after the kids have gone to bed. 


Shandell's Review

Amanda sent us an arrows onesie in pomegranate. This onesie is perfection for my little Aurelia. The color is a coral variation, which is one of my favorites for baby girl right now. If you recall from our nursery and baby shower for her, we had chosen an arrow theme inspired by Psalm 127: 3, 4 so this onesie was the perfect choice for our little girl. 

The fabric is soft and comfortable, the print is sturdy but not rough, and the design is really professional. Every time Aurelia wears this onesie we get a lot of compliments and inquires as to where it came from (I should start carrying business cards for Linden & Lilah!).

I would definitely recommend snagging any of these precious clothes from Linden & Lilah for your favorite little ones or parents-to-be! 



Amanda has generously offered one reader of Breaking New Ground one already made onesie of their choice from Linden & Lilah. Just follow the directions in the Rafflecopter entry form below and be sure to verify your entries!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This contest begins Monday April 6th and is open until midnight Sunday April 12th. A winner will be chosen at random by Rafflecopter. The winner will be announced here and notified by email at the address associated with their Rafflecopter entries. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to the email to claim their prize or an alternate will be chose.

Interested in seeing your product featured here, see the PR + Disclosures tab and contact Breaking New Ground by email to be considered. Disclosure: I received no compensation for this review. All opinions are my own.This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with, Facebook.  Click for additional disclosures and PR policies.

Questions, concerns, comments unrelated to the nature of this giveaway can be left on other generic posts or emailed to Breaking New Ground. 

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