Wednesday, August 12, 2009

employment update

we're both still unemployed. Ben officially registered with the unemployment office last week.
we're also uninsured. I picked up an application for Oregon's Health Plan and have come to a stand still in filling it out. It asks for the last 4 months of income which I'm thinking will surely disqualify us from getting any assistance since Ben was employed for all 4 of those months and I was for 2 of them. It seems that there is no help for those in our former income bracket.

Ben has a job lead that we're both pretty excited about. He's hoping for a call tomorrow to get in and interview. He found out about the opening from a fairly new friend of ours and it seems that right now he's the only person in the running for the position. We're hopeful that this will work out but not giving up the job search in case things fall through. In the past we've made the mistake of putting all our faith in one possibility and lost a lot of ground when it didn't work out and there wasn't a back up plan.

I'm still planning to stay at home full time for as long as it's financially possible. If we need to supplement our income I'll look into work from home options.

Ben being laid off has been a blessing in disguise so to speak. I've LOVED having him home and he's really enjoyed being here to settle in with Malakai for longer than the two weeks we originally had planned on. Hopefully it doesn't make the transition back to work harder since we've established a bit of a routine. Ben gets up to change Kai's diaper while I situate myself to feed him (I've tried to nurse him in bed but I just can't get the "side lying" position down in the middle of the I'm fairly well endowed and this position plugs his little nose.) Ben goes back to bed while I feed him...except when Malakai decides to scream during his feedings which has been the case a couple nights this week. I think my letdown is a bit too much for him and he gets frustrated. We do this changing/feeding thing a 2-5 times a night depending on Malakai's demands and since Ben gets more sleep overnight then I do he takes Kai in the morning when he's awake and wiggly while I catch up on some sleep. At some point we usually take a "family nap" as well.

Lately it has been hot again, but not the 100 degree weather we'd experienced a couple weeks ago. Still, Malakai gets sweaty in his sleep and I wish I could do something for him. Thankfully it is considerably cooler today/tonight and he should be more comfy.

So...for those of you that pray please say a little one for us and the job/insurance situation if you think of it.


1 comment:

  1. Try the Australian hold, its helps for fast let down.,,zm2586,00.html


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