Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby Steals! a linky post

So I just bought the Aden + Anais muslin swaddling wraps I've been wanting for ages. Malakai has ONE swaddling blanket right now and it's the tattered one from the hospital. The other "receiving" blankets we had were never long enough to keep him securely swaddled. At one point we gave up swaddling because we just thought that he didn't like it, but once we discovered we just needed a larger blanket, we were all sleeping so much better!

Anyway, a mama friend of mine that I met through The Bumpmessage boards posted about the sale at Baby Steals on her facebook. I had heard of baby steals before, but never really checked it out. I'm so glad that curiousity led me to check it out today! The blankets were almost 50% off!

Usually Ben and I discuss all purchases before making them, but there was only one design that wasn't sold out so I wanted to snag them up quickly. I emailed him afterwards and apologized. He didn't really mind, even though we don't have much money.

I know Malakai doesn't NEED these, but it will keep me from having to do laundry every time he spits up on his current blanket and it will be easier to swaddle him with these larger ones. Plus, once we stop swaddling in the next couple months they are good for a lot of other uses and durable through frequent I sound like a commercial? The only reason I know so much is that the mama I do daycare for sent one of theirs for us to keep here when Henry is over and we tried it out. I've been dying to get them ever since but they are usually so expensive.

Anyway, I got the jungle print which isn't my favorite but I don't care about that so much.

And I'm pretty sure that is the most links I've ever put in one post...or perhaps the entirety of my blog. Maybe some of you will be able to benefit from this sale before it's completely over from my passing it along. Let me know if you do!

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