We haven't been taking pictures right on with the change in our weeks like I'd prefer...mostly because I have such a hard time getting out of bed in the morning that we are rushing out the door once dressed.
Today was one of those days, plus my dad (also our landlord) came over to make repairs. He's quite the talker- last week he came over at the same time and sat on the bed chatting at me while I put my makeup on...
This time I asked Ben to shut the bedroom door so I could get ready quickly. So Dad followed Ben around while he was getting ready. He was talking to him about repairs and things while he was shaving and brushing his teeth. It just cracks me up. My sweet dad :)
Anyway, I'd like to get a picture today- but I always feel so "blah" looking after work. We'll see.
How far along? 29 weeks...the last few have just been FLYING by!
Total weight gain/loss: I've been holding steady at 25 pounds for the past few weeks. But baby sure feels like he's running out of room already.
Maternity clothes? I'm getting a new dress this weekend for my showers. My lovely aunt Sarah is coming with. I'm so excited! :)
Stretch marks? I'm actually REALLY surprised that I don't have any new ones yet.
Sleep: naps and falling back asleep in the mornings seem to be the most restful times. It's maddening really.
Best moment this week:my dad said goodbye to my belly this morning...he hasn't done that yet. Pretty darn cute.
Movement: he kicks my ribs a ton, but it doesn't hurt. I like to push my hand down on his feet and have him respond. It's so much fun to "play" with him.
Food cravings: I've been drinking coffee more lately. It's bad that Ben runs a cafe...but I never go overboard.
Gender: bouncing baby boy.
Labor Signs: none this week.
Belly Button in or out? still flat with a hint of an outie at the top. My piercing is stretching weird and was hurting so bad after dinner last night.
What I miss: my little waist line. It's funny- cause pre-pregnancy I would have never considered it little.
What I am looking forward to: getting the guest room furniture out and the baby furniture in. Also, our birthing classes and learning more about our options.
Weekly Wisdom: I find that I haven't been taking the time to educate myself enough. We are taking a natural birthing class later this month- but I want to read more and know my options. This was inspired by reading my labor buddy's birth plan on the bump last night. Ciria- I may be among those asking you tons of questions soon!
Milestones: this week went by so fast and my brain has been such mush that I barely remember it. I don't think anything has happened that I'd consider a pregnancy or baby "milestone".