Friday, November 20, 2009

photo friday

I haven't posted updated pictures in a long time which is VERY unlike me, so here are some recent pictures of us...and mostly Kai.

our first attempt at a hair style

playing with his aunt kristi

his feet finally reach the ground!

practicing that heart-breaking pout (he's not really sad, promise)

Malakai & Henry called each other to make sure they coordinated

his "Gerber baby" face

First time in the bumbo seat (borrowed from Great-Aunt Deedee)

11.16.09 4 months!

tummy time @ 4 months

no longer tolerating tummy-time

a 4 month picture with Mama

His first bite of cereal with Daddy

the aftermath :)

So obviously we just started Kai on rice cereal. I was pretty set on waiting until 6 months, but the past week or two I've been rethinking it. He hasn't been sleeping through the night and when he wakes up he constantly wants to eat, eat, eat! After talking things over with our pediatrician we decided to try it out. The first attempt was VERY messy as you can see and I'm not sure he really ate all that much of it, but he's getting better as he learns. We'll see how he does over the next couple weeks and decide whether or not to continue based on his readiness.

We're also trying something new with "sleep training" (for lack of a better term). Our pediatrician confirmed our suspicions that he's waking frequently because he's near me. My smell is a sleep distraction, it makes him think he needs to nurse. So, in addition to cereal before bed my wonderful husband is now taking the lead with night time wakings. I'm not even aloud to go stand in the doorway. Obviously, if Malakai wakes up and won't go back down because he's truly hungry I'll nurse him. I already nurse on demand and don't plan on stopping, but he gets enough during the day where he should only need one night time feeding if any.

So far things are going pretty good. I'm also committed to putting him down in his crib for all of his naps. Dr. A said it wouldn't hurt to bring him into bed with us in the mornings...which I love and will do as long as it's working for Malakai.

Yesterday I posted on The Bump about Malakai's head growth and the possibility of too much fluid. I got a lot of reassurance about it from other moms who had the same issue with their little ones and don't have to have surgery. Sounds like it's a pretty common precaution that doctors take. I'm of course praying that Kai will fall into the same category and that everything will be just fine.

Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I'm not going to let myself live in worry. I'll enjoy every moment with joy and hope.

1 comment:

  1. What an absolute doll! I stopped by to tell you that you won something at Potamus Prefers but didn't leave an email addy. Please shoot me an email with your info to claim within 72 hours! Thanks!


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