Tuesday, November 17, 2009

sweater stocking

After reading this post on one of the dozens of blogs I follow, I really want to make one of these adorable sweater stockings for Malakai.

We originally tried to find a monogrammed felt stocking to match ours, but Target isn't carrying them this year. Ben really wants his to match ours, but after finding this adorable idea I'm really wanting to make him one myself. The things (blankets, clothes, stockings) I always loved the most growing up were the ones that someone had made just for me. I still have two stockings at my parents' place (for looks now, not for gifts), one was crocheted by my great-aunt and the other I was brought home in like a swaddling blanket because I was born just 4 days after Christmas.

My grandma & I

This oversized stocking usually had a big gift in it, but could you imagine if Santa filled this with regular stocking stuffers each year?!

Currently, there are two sleeping babies in the house and my husband is home sick from work (so really that's three babies right?) so I won't be getting a start on it today, but I'll post pictures if I do get around to it!

1 comment:

  1. OH my word this is so CUTE! What a little bundle! BTW - Thanks for the comment. I'm so not fooled by the heart rate. My gut is girl... but I know it has nothing to do with the heart rate. Thanks!!


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