I just realized this morning that I never did a 37 week survey and update. Helloooo FULL TERM! It's quite surreal to be at this point already. My mom made the comment last night that 3 weeks seems like far away and I said "not in comparison to the 9 months I've been waiting!"
My doc told me a few weeks ago that she didn't think I'd make it to my due date and now it's seeming more like he's never gonna come out!!! I am getting so anxious to meet him- we all are.
I haven't had internet access since last Friday which is partly the reason for the late update. Our bathroom is being remodeled. Currently we rent our house from my parents and the toilet needed to be replaced...which turned into the floor and cabinet also needing to be replaced. We were planning on staying a night at their place since we only have the one bathroom but it quickly turned into three nights. While it's not much of an incovenience other than the fact that they live 30 minutes outside of the city that we live in, I'm very excited to go home tonight and also glad that baby wasn't born without a home to go to!
I would be quite happy if he decided to make his grand entrance into the world today though. The main reason (and a trivial one really) is that our insurance changes tomorrow and the deductible goes up by $2,000. Our out of pocket expenses would be far less if he chose to be born today rather than tomorrow or thereafter. However, God's plan is way bigger than these expenses and I'm doing my best to be patient and trust his timing.
How far along? 37 weeks, 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: I was down 8 ounces at my last OB appointment!
Maternity clothes? I'm so sick of trying to get dressed. I am not the type to leave the house in sweats and a t-shirt but the effort it takes to look/feel cute each day at this point is getting to be a bit much.
Stretch marks?another one on my belly button piercing- I feel like the skin is getting so thing there that it's going to tear. Which FREAKS ME OUT!
Sleep: some nights are better than others. I'm trying not to rely on Tylenol PM...but always wake up at 5am without it.
Best moment this week: I'm thinking it will be today when we get to go back home!
Movement: I'm amazed at how much he still moves with how little room he has left. It's starting to get pretty uncomfortable.
Food cravings: hot dogs- which I normally hate.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: contractions are getting more intense but are still irregular.
Belly Button in or out?barely out.
What I miss: not waddling when I walk.
What I am looking forward to: completing our registry with the discount at Target.
Weekly Wisdom: take the awkward comments in stride and just learn from others' mistakes when talking to other pregnant women.
Milestones: Making it to full term when we thought just a few weeks ago that we'd have an early delivery.