Thursday, January 21, 2010

oh yeah, by the way

Malakai turned 6 months on Saturday.

I haven't been all that eager to write about it because I don't like thinking about it. I've been looking forward to this age for a long time. He's learning so much and is active and playful and will even snuggle with me sometimes when he's sleepy. But now that it's here, I can't help but be sad that half of his first year has already flown by. Before I know it he won't be a little baby anymore. I'm doing my best to savor the moments while they're here because I already miss the time that has passed.

Anyway, enough of that mushy stuff. We did take some pictures on the day he turned six months (1.16.10)

Yesterday I actually got to venture out of the house. The plan was for me to drive Ben to work so I could have the car, but he ended up staying home as he wasn't feeling well. I suppose waking up every hour trying to get the baby sleep would have something to do with it.

So I met up with a friend from High School at Birth to Three (does everyone have this service, or is it just a local thing?) for Baby Connections. She's been doing the infants class and invited me to this other weekly thing where you can get your baby weighed, meet with nutrition consultants if need be and just mingle with other moms for an hour. It was a lot of fun, and so crazy to see this particular friend as it has been 10 years!

Afterwards we had even more plans. A friend of mine from my previous job turned 27 yesterday and the office took her to lunch. My former boss (who is also sort of my current boss as she's Henry's mom) invited me to tag along as well.  I almost took Malakai home to spend time with daddy since he's not quite sturdy enough for a high chair, but he actually did really well. He was a bit small so we shoved jackets and blankets in to make him fit and he had a blast. 

It was so nice of them to include me. I miss my coworkers for sure, but not necessarily my old job. The whole office is ladies except for the token dude, who seems to rotate every year or so. There's always a baby or a wedding to plan for due to the ages of the gals and currently there are both! The birthday girl is about 16 weeks pregnant and another one of the girls just got engaged last week. Oh how I wish I could hang out more often to chat about weddings and babies.

It was just so nice to get out of the house and interact with adults for a few hours. I was exhausted when I got home and Ben was nice enough to let me nap while he spent some time with the boy.

Today is randomly sunny (winter is mostly clouds and rain in Oregon) and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I used Ben's carrier (the infantino version of a babybjorn) and walked a mile! I used to walk a mile or two every day at the end of my pregnancy, but this was probably the most exercise I've had since Malakai was born. It felt great to get outside and Malakai passed out about a block from home and is still snoozin' away.

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