Monday, January 18, 2010

tweet, tweet

I consider myself moderately savvy when it comes to technology. Most of it I learn from my husband who keeps up via a few websites like engadget and TUAW, what I lovingly refer to as his "nerd sites". He embraces the nerdiness, enough that these websites are bookmarked in a folder with that very title. Gotta love him.

When Twitter started to become popular, I thought it was kinda lame. I figured I could just update my status on facebook here and there and that Twitter was too limited. Then I find that some people post different things to their twitter than their FB.

I've also become mildly addicted to internet giveaways...and many of them offer an extra entry if you follow on twitter or tweet about the giveaway. I just ignored that since I didn't have an account.

Well, now I do. I just figured out how to link it to my blog, inspired by "Blair" at The Heir to Blair and I can tweet via my mobile phone. WHOAH! Check me out, adding some new skills to my techno-resume. I decided to join twitter because I often find myself wanting to update the blog community in little snipits but am still keeping this blog separate from my personal facebook. So you can find me at but I'm still sort of figuring things out.


  1. Okay, so I have had a twitter account for a year and I am finally getting around to trying to get it on my blog and on my mobile. How did you figure it out? Do tell!

  2. I googled "twitter blogger" and went to this site that came up
    Then used the one for twitter ( I was already logged into blogger so it worked pretty quickly).
    Hope that helps!

  3. AH! Life-saver. I have been trying to figure this out for weeks and then I noticed you added it...thanks for the help.


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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