Tuesday, February 23, 2010

about me...

There are a lot of new readers/followers around this space so I thought I'd have a little fun and do some "about" posts. I did Malakai's for his 7th month post last week. So here's a little bit about me-

My first name doesn't have a significant meaning. My dad wouldn't let my mom name me Tiffany or Porscha so I didn't have a name at first. My mom's sister babysat a little girl named Shandell and suggested it, they both liked it and ta-da!

My middle name "LeAnn" however, is my Dad's middle name, Lee, and my mom's middle name, Ann. All the women on my mom's side of the family have Ann in their middle name. This started because we are relatives of Shakespeare's  wife (not the Princess Diary's) Anne Hathaway.

Last night I had a dream about going skydiving. It was a lot of fun and I kept going and teaching all my friends and family. In real life, I wanted to go for my 18th birthday but couldn't afford it and so I've never been. I'm not sure if I'd still do it now that I'm a mom.

My parents were 20 years old when I was born. They got married when I was around 18 months and have been married for 27 years. Yes, I'm 28 years old. My husband just turned 25 and no that does not make me a "cougar". My siblings are 19 and 17 years old and sometimes I feel more like a mother to them than a sister.

My grandmother and great grandmother also had their first child at about 20 years old. Needless to say, I felt a little old when I was just getting married at 25. I'm so glad I didn't marry that guy I was dating at 20!

My favorite color is probably red, but that doesn't mean that I want everything in that color (contrary to most gifts I receive). I'm rather fond of blues and greens as well and I think that the color of choice depends on the situation.


I was born with black hair and black eyes, both are now a very dark brown. I dyed my hair for the first time when I was 19 when two college girlfriends convinced me. It was a black cherry redish color that looked purple in the sun. It wasn't supposed to be purple. I kept dying my hair until about 4 years ago- which is also when I met my husband. I have a streak of shockingly silver hairs that I hide by parting my hair on the other side. I really don't want to color my hair again, it's too high maintenance.

Speaking of, I'm really high maintenance when it comes to make up. I won't let anyone (except Ben & sometimes my immediate family) see me without make up on. It doesn't have to be much, just as long as I have foundation on, I'm good. Although, once I left work because I realized I forgot to put mascara on.

I've also never liked leaving the house in sweatpants. I think of an episode of Oprah I saw once where she described moms in comfy clothes as "schlumpa-dinkas" I don't want Oprah to call me that.

{camping 2005}

My husband and I bought a TiVo when we were dating, but didn't live together til we were married. I don't know if I could survive without it. My parents still record their shows on 3 different VCRs. If I could afford it, I'd buy them a TiVo too.

That same summer we watched all 10 seasons of FRIENDS on DVD. That was 2006 and the first time I had seen season 10.

My favorite shows right now are Lost (my husband and I are slightly fanatic), The Office, Survivor (I've seen every season), The Amazing Race, and I think Community is the best new comedy out there. Two nights ago Ben and I decided that we're bored of Grey's Anatomy and will probably stop watching it altogether. We also watch V and Flash Forward when they aren't taking a ridiculously long break.

I've had numerous back injuries and don't keep up on my stretches and exercises prescribed by my physical therapists. This will probably change soon so I can still manage to lift Malakai.

My first injury was from a fall when I worked at Staples. After closing they were stripping the wax off the floors and nobody told me or put up signs. I was carrying a scanner under one arm and a box of paper under the other. I walked right into the middle of the slippery stuff before I fell square on my tailbone. It was so embarrassing when my boss had to  pull me out because it's impossible to stand up in that stuff. The second one was a few years later when a girl rear-ended me at a stop light. She then laughed and pretended to have an British accent when we exchanged insurance information.

I used to be really crafty but have been too busy to keep up with it in the last few years. I'd like to find the time to take it up again.

I've killed every single houseplant to ever be in my possession, including a cactus and bamboo. I'm hoping to learn more about keeping plants alive from some of my girlfriends when we move so I can grow some of our food.

When we got married Ben and I had two cats, Royce & Jack. We now have no pets as Jack passed away (we bought him at a petstore before we knew about the terrible breeding practices- which I'm sure led to his illness), and Royce is now an outdoor cat at my parents' place in the country. I really really want a puppy but we can't afford it right now. Someday I hope to get a chocolate brown cocker spaniel and name him Bentley.

{me & Jack, December 2007}

I've been a follower of Jesus for as long as I can remember. My maternal grandparents are pastors and would take me to church with them often. I subsequently went to a liberal arts Christian college where I grew more in my faith more than any other time in my life.

I went to college from 2000-2004 and earned my BA in Elementary Education. I simultaneously earned my Teaching License to teach K-5th grade. I subbed for a year before accepting a job in Admissions at my Alma Mater due to insufficient income. I went to Grad school for 2 semesters at the same college before getting pregnant with Malakai. Staying home with him is more important to me than any career, but I do hope to return to teaching once all my children are school aged.
{student teaching in Kindergarten, 2004}

I now provide daycare for my former boss's son, Henry. His mom and I were pregnant at the same time in the office which was sometimes crazy, but mostly fun. He's 9 months and I just adore having the boys together.

I'm hoping to continue watching him when we move, but may need to secure additional employment. However, I don't want to leave Malakai. I'm in the middle of searching for legit online work. I type like a mad woman and would even do something mundane like transcription (which I would actually enjoy), but can't seem to find anything out there that's not a scam that you have to pay into first. Any suggestions ladies?

{Henry, Malakai, & I 2010}

Well that's a lot, but there's obviously more. Perhaps I'll do a part II down the road.

Feel free to ask me any questions, I'd love to start some conversations on here about what we may have in common.


  1. I think you have a really cool name!!

  2. I am exact same way about make-up & being seen in sweats outside of the comfort of my own home hasn't ever happened :)

    Good luck with finding work at home....I know that there has to be something out there but when I was considering staying home all I found was the pay first stuff too!!


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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