Monday, February 8, 2010

weekend wrap up

I don't like wrapping up the weekend. Sunday nights are my least favorite time of the week. We're exhausted from trying to fit in as much as we can (even if some of it is napping) into the weekend and we try to get to bed at a decent hour so Ben can get up for work early in the morning. Malakai never really cooperates with that and somehow I always forget to make Ben a lunch.

This past weekend was pretty full, but also pretty great. On Friday night we celebrated Kai's great-grandpa's birthday at a local pizza place. My grandparents have been in Hawaii for the past 7 weeks (I know, poor them) so it was great to see them again and we got showered with gifts. Meanwhile, Kai got passed around from great- aunt, to 2nd cousin, to great- uncle, to great-grand.

Saturday was generally lazy. We got up early with Malakai and played, then during his nap Ben played his video game and I looked at houses online and spent maybe 5 minutes trying to figure out our tax mess before giving up (again). I took a TON of photos of Malakai...

wearing one of Ben's baby shirts

 and holding the balloons that he sent to work for dada's birthday

... we took a nap, drove by some houses (3 of which out of the 4 were c.r.a.p.) and went to Red Robin to use Ben's birthday burger coupon (did you know they send you a coupon for a free burger every year if you join their bday club?...awesome), and came home full and sleepy to watch The Beatles, Help! which was a favorite of mine during my Beatles obsession in middle school.

Sunday we went to 1st service at 9am and were only a few minutes late. Malakai played with the other babes in the nursery for the second time. Had a break to socialize with some people in between services and then at 10:45am Malakai and I played in the nursery as it was my Sunday to volunteer. Ben came in to feed him a bottle about halfway through and we chatted about having him volunteer with me on a regular basis when he's not playing with the worship band.

Afterwards we headed out to my parents' house for the Super Bowl and a family birthday get together for Ben. His siblings couldn't make it, but his parents came and we ate way too much food (chips, 7 layer dip, carrots & ranch, pasta salad, birthday cake, ice cream, pizza....), watched the game (I only watched the commercials, and wasn't impressed), and stuck around for a little while afterwards. Malakai had another two person (a third would have been even better) blow out. Ben and I are so childish and end up giggling uncontrollably while trying to clean him up. He's so wiggly now that he ended up sticking his foot in his diaper and thus getting poo on every piece of clothing had been wearing. Luckily, I've learned my lesson and now pack two entire extra outfits wherever we go.

Ben & his birthday balloons 

G'Pa and Malakai

Once we got home we checked our email and finalized plans with our realtor to go see some houses this week (tonight!) and chatted til we fell asleep...and then an hour later woke up to feed Malakai again and get him to sleep....and so on and so forth...

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