Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm just so frustrated. The last two times I tried nursing Malakai he has decided to try out that new tooth on me. The pain is indescribable. Even though it shocks him when I yell out in pain, he does it again. I just tried four times, twice on each side, before giving up and heating up some breast milk from the freezer.

I hope this doesn't last, it's too soon for him to wean and I don't think I can stand anymore bites like that!


  1. that is my BIGGEST fear!!!

    One friend would immediately end th nursing session when her daughter would "nibble." Eventually, she got the clue.

    Check out this article...

    Good luck, I hope he ends that behavior soon.

  2. Unfortunately baby did it too , and still does sometimes now at 14 months

  3. This might help:

  4. thanks ladies, looks like some helpful information that I'll have to try out.


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