Monday, October 18, 2010

social hangover

Just when I think I've been super busy, last weekend's events reminded me that my day to day isn't so full after all.

In preparation for our friends coming to stay and our housewarming we had been unpacking (still, I know), deep-cleaning and decorating the house (finally). I don't have a lot of pictures of our newly decorated walls or the lovely faces that came through our doors on Saturday, instead I'll show you this horrible photo...

This is a before + after of the grout in our dining room + kitchen. I already hated this tile before, but I had no idea that it was this dirty! I've cleaned these floors frequently since we moved in 6 months ago. I simply focused on the grout with an abrasive bristle brush, and look what I've been missing!

The only thing worse than having lived with this dirt for so long without knowing it is that this discovery came after I had already washed all 100+ tiles on my hands + knees with steaming hot water. As if I didn't have enough to do the day of our guest's arrival, I scrubbed all the grout clean and then wiped the floors down again. Yes, I cleaned the floor 4 times in one day. I wanted to die. (insert dramatic tone here).

I calmed down quite a bit once our guests arrived. I decided to just let the messes that were undone wait for the next day and just hang out and relax for a while. Meeting their little baby Liam was so overdue, and he's just a doll! (photos coming soon...). That night we watched Community + 30Rock before bed and it felt weird to sit and relax for an evening after not doing so for more than a week.

On Saturday it was go-time once again. I started baking fairly early to get the rest of the brownie cupcakes done. I had already made the other treats earlier in the week (recipes coming soon...). Ben did some finishing touches outside, we tidied up our room and I was still setting up the food when our first open house guests arrived at 1pm.

We showed the house, ate food,  and visited with friends + family until 4:30pm or so when it was just us and our house guests again. Then we went out to dinner and the babies made a mess of the place and passed out on the car ride home. Us parents weren't far behind.

Sunday after church I did some family photos for our friends, which I'll post about later. When we got home to our house, just the three of us again,  Malakai wanted to explore the neighborhood a bit before dinner. He chased his shadow, went up and down the curb a dozen times and felt the textures of concrete + dirt.

It was a whirlwind of a weekend. We were surrounded by people for 48 hours straight. It was great, I'm thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to relax in the calm after the storm.

How was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast! Thank you for letting us come stay, eat, play, and visit. The trip was long overdue.

    You're house is lovely. It may be small, but you've done a great job at making it a comfortable and surprisingly roomy feeling home.

    I'm glad you're taking the time to relax some. House guest always wear me out. I love having people stay over, but it's also nice to get back to everyday life :)

    Thank you again, and you have an open invitation to stay at our home.


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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