Monday, October 3, 2011

38 weeks

Here we are 2 weeks from the due date. We've made it to the "any day now" point of this pregnancy. It went by so quickly. Having our floors finished and being out of the month of September makes us feel even more ready for little brother to make his arrival. I have signs of labor about every evening, but nothing to call in about. I learned the hard way last time with two trips to the hospital for false labor before the real deal. I plan on not going in until the contractions stop me in my tracks, now that I'm familiar with active labor. I also hope to stay at home to labor for the first part depending on how things progress.

No picture for this post, maybe I'll share one later this week but I literally don't have a recent one.

How far along? 38 weeks 
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs.
Stretch marks? nothing new, just itchy.
Maternity Clothes: with the fall weather finally arriving in Oregon I have more options.
Sleep: tossing + turning but I'm used to it by now.
Best moment this week: snuggles with Malakai + little brother's kicks and nudges.
Movement: slow but regular.
Gender: little baby brother
Labor Signs: contractions every day. 3.5cm and 50% effaced at my last appointment.
Food Cravings: nothing in particular, just needing to eat small meals + snacks all day.
Belly Button in or out? out.
What I miss: being able to get out of bed without rolling.
What I am looking forward to: meeting our son. while our to-do list is still fairly long, I think we're ready!
Weekly Wisdom: enjoy the final moments of pregnancy, it's over so quickly.
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: mixing up schedules and confusing church volunteers yesterday morning. 
Milestones: labor "progress", although I learned last time (I was at 4cm for two weeks) that it means little to nothing.


  1. Don't wait too long to go to the hospital. With my 2nd I went from 6cms to pushing and having a baby in about 25 mins!!! I know understand how people have babies in the back seat of the car!

  2. Don't wait too long to go to the hospital. With my 2nd I went from 6cms to pushing and having a baby in about 25 mins!!! I know understand how people have babies in the back seat of the car!


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