Friday, October 28, 2011

photo friday: me + my boys.

When Desmond was just 8 days old we decided to take advantage of Ben being home during the days and take the boys to the pumpkin patch when it would be less busy than on the weekends.




We saw goats, Kai jumped in puddles, we went for a walk around the farm, checked out the picked pumpkins and ate some lunch. We had a blast and we didn't even go to the actual pumpkin patch part of the farm (at $3 a person to take the hay ride it just wasn't worth it this year).

Throughout the past 3 weeks (whoah) we've had lots of visitors and I haven't had to make dinner once. If someone wasn't bringing a meal we had plenty of leftovers from a previous ones. We barely even worry about lunch. Desmond met a lot of friends + family and has gained 2lbs since birth.


The boys have had many firsts, especially Desmond of course. He was not a fan of his first tub bath so daddy made sure to go as fast as possible.


This week Malakai, Desmond, + I have been figuring out our days together since Ben went back to work. Since I came down with Mastitis last weekend my mom came on Monday and spontaneously offered to come again for a bit yesterday. She and my brother took Kai to the park and wore him out just before lunch and nap. It was such a nice break and was so good for Kai to get outside and play. I'm doing tons better with the help of antibiotics and feeding Desmond as often as possible. Once my fever broke I felt like a human again. This week has been a challenge and I'm very ready for the weekend.

We've also been making sure that Kai gets plenty of daddy time in the evenings since he got so used to spending his days with Ben during his leave. I love watching them play together.


Those are just a few photos from our past few weeks. They aren't really in any good order, which would drive me nuts if I had the time to worry about it...


  1. LOVE the photos of Kai raking leaves with his daddy- so adorable and they match in their striped shirts :) Desmond just gets cuter and cuter!

  2. ugh sorry to hear about the mastitis! Glad you are feeling better, Love the pics!!

  3. How cute are they raking together & Desmond is a doll!!


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