Monday, October 10, 2011

39 weeks (AKA still pregnant)

I got a lot of comments yesterday at church from people surprised to see me there. I'm really hoping this is the last of these updates and that before next Monday I'll be writing about little brother's birth...

{it cracks me up how the shadow makes my belly look 4 inches larger}

How far along? 39 weeks, measuring 36- meaning baby has surely dropped.
Total weight gain/loss: 35 lbs. I think.
Maternity Clothes: I've grown out of most of my tops due to how low I'm carrying now.
Sleep: very little at night and now I'm even having trouble catching up by napping. I attempted 2 naps over the weekend and both were failures.
Best moment this week: the assurance that little brother is okay after my fall and seeing Malakai after being away from him for 20 hours.
Movement: much slower, but still constant.
Gender: little bro
Labor Signs: lots. I have contractions + twinges all day and a lot during the night as well. I was 4cm and 50% effaced last Friday...but I know all of that pretty much means nothing in terms of when I'll go into active labor ::sigh::
Food Cravings: ice cream, always always.
Belly Button in or out? depends on babies position. Sometimes out, sometimes flat.
What I miss: being able to hold Kai in my lap, or reach things at the back of countertops. 
What I am looking forward to: holding my sweet baby bean in my arms. 
Weekly Wisdom: enjoy the wait.
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: 
Milestones: Not really a great milestone, but we had our first trip to the hospital of this pregnancy (there were 5 total with my first pregnancy). I'm hoping there will only be one more- the day we meet our new baby!

As an additional update from my hospital stay and follow up at the doctor: I haven't had any symptoms of placental abruption from my fall. Baby sounded great on Friday, and is definitely head down and ready to make his big arrival. 
I had a random itchy rash on my belly that my doctor said could be a symptom of cholestasis of pregnancy, so they did some blood tests. As of last night the rash is already cleared up (it only lasted a week) so I'm hopeful that all the testing comes back normal as to avoid medication or possibly being induced. I really don't think I have any complications and Dr. M was just being cautious. 

I've been having plenty of contractions, but nothing worthy of going in or even calling in over. For now it's just a waiting game. We've accomplished about 90% of our to-do list and I'm pretty much letting the other 10% get done as we have time + energy but really not worry about having them checked off before baby arrives. 

I've also been keeping myself busy (as if Kai doesn't do that already) with small craft projects like covering boxes with fabric for storage/decor and making a mobile for above the changer in the nursery. The playroom is done, so I'll finally be posting that update later today or possibly tomorrow once I get some photos and some time. 

{looking for little brother}


  1. Wow this is a neat site and a great idea during pregnancy- I wish I had known..
    Good luck and blessings, hope you meet your new little one soon! My new one just turned 8 weeks today :)
    How exciting!

  2. You look great, Shandell! I've wanted to comment so many times but Blogger doesn't like my phone browser or vice versa... either way, I can't comment from my phone. Praying you have a safe and healthy delivery and that Malakai transitions well (the intensity of older sibling freak-out was a big surprise to us!).

  3. Its going to be so soon!! I am excited for you! You look great! Im glad to read that everything is okay after the fall scare.


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