Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm dead tired this morning. Malakai woke up screaming so many times last night I lost track. He would calm down for nothing but a bottle. I really don't like back-tracking like this and feeding him at night, especially more than once. But, what do you do when nothing else will console him and all he needs to do is go back to sleep?
Really, though... that's a real question. Anyone?


  1. We're 2 for 3 this week too, I feel ya! Jackson is waking up somewhere between 2 and 3 just screaming. I've held out and not nursed him, but its been hard. I'm not sure what the deal is. He is restless and wants to get down and play. I try to hold him for a minute, tell him it's okay and momma is right here. Then I put him back down and say night, night. After a handful of times doing this every 15 minutes, he passes back out. It makes for one tired momma though!

  2. is he teething? Dawson did that for 2 or 3 days and then two molars popped thru! I feel ya tho! I hope he starts sleeping better again :)

  3. ANYTHING to keep them calm is a blessing! i feel your pain. we haven't slept because eddie does this nearly every night. can't feed him to sleep tho - he screams more. we found that a bit of orajel and a lot of rocking and singing works for him. A LOT of rocking.

  4. Malakai is ALWAYS teething, so it very well could be what's bothering him. He has 7 right now and I'm sure his last incisor is going to pop through any day.
    chewing on anything cold and teething tablets only work for him in the day anymore. He screams and arches his back until he gets a bottle. I think we'll start bedtime with some Tylenol tonight to see if that helps.
    Thanks for commiserating mamas!

  5. I would do the Tylenol at night & not feed him; see if that helps him sleep better since you think it is his tooth!


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