Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: relief

I haven't had a tension headache today {yet!} and I'm hoping to finish the day out pain free. Especially because at 5:15 this evening we are getting family photos done at the park down the street. I'm excited and nervous. We're having them done by our wedding photographer. It's silly because I feel like I'm more worried about these photos turning out than I was with our wedding. I guess the two big differences are that this time Malakai will be the star and I have to figure out what we're all going to wear!

I can't decide between cute + casual: Ben in cargo shorts, flip flops + a short sleeved button up + Malakai in something similar to daddy + I in...who knows what?! Or dressy: Ben in khakis + dressier shorts sleeved button up + semi-dressy shoes, Malakai in the same, + I in a simple black summery dress. YIKES!

Anyway, I'm currently at "work". Henry is snoozin' away and Malakai is refusing to nap. He's hanging out in the pack n' play, talking to his blankie. I have a few minutes before he gets cranky or bored to share what I'm thankful for today.

231. the beautiful weather for today's photoshoot + even though I'm nervous, I do trust our photographer and know that she'll take great pictures. 

232. a clear head {so far}

233. a clean house. Last night Ben finally got around to vacuuming behind the stove. 

234. free lunch. today there was a company picnic at Ben' work. It's fun to watch him show off Malakai, and it was nice to have 2 less lunches to pack.

235. transportation. even though we only have one car, it's in good shape and when we're in a bind we always seem to have friends or family who are willing to help out. 

236. Malakai is walking! and although it is sometimes stressful, it's a lot of fun to see him develop into this new stage.

237. $1 day at a favorite coffee spot yesterday, mmm, coconut mocha!

238. sweet packages in the mail. we've been getting a lot of birthday gifts for Malakai from friends + relatives that couldn't make it to his party.

239. Ben, for being willing to shave despite the peer pressure of his co-workers who have instituted some weird mustache society.

240. My dad getting full-time status + benefits back! Last year when Ben was laid off, he was cut down to part-time with no benefits. 

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. im so glad your headache is going away girl!! And yay for Malakai walking!!! Now the fun really begins :)

  2. Sorry to be late...Just getting to my Thankful Thursday reads--walking is such a big milestone! There's no going back from here--congrats!

  3. I want to be thankful for a coconut mocha!! That sounds yummy.

    With Malakai walking, you better be thankful for nails: so you can nail down every little cupboard :)

  4. So sorry I'm late at commenting but things have been absolutely crazy around here! Claire is also about to start walking, and I'm just not ready. I wish I could keep her ten months old forever (except the teething part) because I know things will never be the same once she is so mobile.

    And yeah for no more headaches!


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