Tuesday, April 5, 2011

12 weeks {for real}

Yesterday I hit 12 weeks in this pregnancy, by the standards of my new due date. PHEW! It's weird to sort of hit a milestone twice. Although 12 weeks isn't yet the 2nd trimester (it's actual 14 weeks and 3 days or something silly like that) it's still a milestone for when the nausea is supposed to dwindle and energy is supposed to come back. I've been feeling it VERY SLOWLY.

With the sun staying out longer and the rain not coming down 24/7 we've been able to get out for a few walks recently. Today it looked a LOT warmer than it was outside, there was a nasty wind that froze our ears. We walked 2 miles and played at the park before lunchtime anyway. I always seem to feel better and sleep better when we get out of the house.

Here's me today at 12 weeks 1 day. I am SO not wearing this outfit today, I actually wore it Sunday and wanted to get a picture in it but we slacked on the pictures this weekend. So I just put it back on for the photos and now I'm back in my t-shirt + yoga pants...


And just for fun, here's what I looked like in this dress when I tried it on for the first time last July. I was shopping at Target by myself and couldn't decide between 3 dresses so I sent photos to Ben for advice... this of course was one of the winners. By the way, they are selling these dresses again and they're only $15!


How far along? 12 weeks, 1 day...for realsies...I hope.
Total weight gain/loss: +3 lbs.
Stretch marks? nope
Maternity Clothes:  I've started wearing some maternity jeans because I can't stand any pressure on my belly, but I've been LIVING in my new roll top yoga pants.
Sleep: different every night. Last night was a bit restless but mostly because my husband set the clock in his sleep multiple times throughout the night...
Best moment this week: hearing little ones heartbeat at my last appointment.
Movement: once every day or two at night I feel little movements. 
Gender: we'll find out at the end of May
Labor Signs: no thankyou.
Food Cravings: jamba juice!
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: an occasional glass of wine.
What I am looking forward to: Ben coming to the next appointment so he can hear little swimmie's heartbeat for the first time.
Weekly Wisdom: stay active, even if you feel icky and have no energy...but don't push it!
Milestones: hearing the heartbeat on the doppler.
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: making up random words or not knowing the word for normal everyday things. If I forget your name, don't take it personally!


  1. you are so adorable. Congrats! Glad you are feeling better.

  2. Definitely a bump! Hope you are back at 100% within the next few weeks.....2nd trimester is bliss.

  3. That dress will last through much of the pregnancy, which is awesome. I have photos of me in a similar one at multiple stages of my pregnancy. All the way up to 8 months. It was one of my favs before I was pregnant and still is. I may have to buy that Target dress too. I need something for Easter, but I also want it to be comfortable, and last and last.

    I was just thinking... Last time you were pregnant, you didn't have Kai. However, you were working. Do you think it's easier or harder this time around? When I'm pregnant the 2nd time, I look forward to not working (I especially hated having nausea at work), but also know keeping up with Liam while pregnant will be a challenge.

    You look great by the way. I missed you at Kristyn's bridal shower, but understood you couldn't make it. As always, I wish we lived closer.

  4. thanks everyone!

    Anna- this pregnancy has been MUCH harder! While it's not great to be nauseated at work you get to just sort of sit at a desk a lot of the time and chill. With Malakai I can't really ever chill except when he's napping or when I go into the office at the church to get things done.

    Being able to nap when he naps if I feel awful has been nice though!


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