Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Mr. Falcon, a memorial, and 13 weeks.

Last Friday my younger brother was in a fundraiser pageant at his High School called Mr. Falcon. Six guys put on a show to raise money for the community and at the end one was crowned as Mr. Falcon. Although my brother didn't receive the crown (points are heavily weighted in the fundraising category) he did receive the highest score from the judges for the pageant itself. My mom says he won "best in show". We're all so proud of him!

{my brother Cody at the top of the pyramid during the opening dance as Luke Skywalker}
{Ben on the far left, my sister's boyfriend in the middle, and Cody on the right during his skit}

{After the show: brother Cody, myself, husband Ben + sister Amanda}

Saturday morning my mom + I drove up to Portland for a memorial service for my great great Aunt Peggy who passed away in February. It was a beautiful service and amazingly enough I didn't cry...although it took a lot to hold back tears during the slide show. Pictures of her and my great grandparents who passed a few years ago were bitter sweet to see.

Afterwards there was a reception and I was able to visit with my 2nd cousin who I don't get to see nearly enough. She just got married and they are expecting their first baby in August. It was so nice to catch up with her and talk pregnancy.

{almost 20 weeks + 13 weeks. we were marveling at how I look much further along than her}

Yesterday was my new-week-day. Even though my due date got pushed back 10 days, this pregnancy is going by FAST!


How far along? 13 weeks, 1 day. I don't know if I'll ever be proactive enough to update on time, MONDAYS!
Total weight gain/loss: +3 lbs. Baby is the size of a peach :)
Stretch marks? nope
Maternity Clothes: I've been wearing my small maternity clothes, or rubberbanding my pre-pg jeans. I don't need maternity tops just yet.
Sleep: difficult with Malakai having an ear infection. poor kiddo.
Best moment this week: have an appetite more often than not. 
Movement: not much.
Gender: too early to tell.
Labor Signs: nope.
Food Cravings: fruit.
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being heartburn free. It's better, but still flares up.
What I am looking forward to: Malakai feeling better so we can enjoy the sunny moments and go outside.
Weekly Wisdom: constantly communicate your feelings + needs and ESPECIALLY your appreciation to your spouse.
Milestones: regaining my appetite. aside from when my heartburn flares up, I am nausea free!
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: I know there was something funny that happened, but I can't remember! ha!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute!!! Wish i looked that great when I was preggo!


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