Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

 This week has been really busy. Kai is sick and we're trying to get the house ready for guests. Ben's aunt, cousin, and 2nd cousin are coming to town on Saturday. We haven't seen them since the family reunion in August, Malakai was only 4 weeks old! So, I haven't had much time to update around here, but here's my weekly list of people/places/things that I'm thankful for.

71. my clean, unpacked, and mostly organized kitchen (finally!)

72. the sun shining outside and it actually being as warm as it looks.

73. bebe feets

74. My hardworking husband

75. the first fresh cup of coffee brewed in our new place.

76. getting mail that isn't junk or bills, especially in packages.

77.watching Lost and nerding out over the details with Ben.

78. long naps for my sick little bean.

79. health insurance, even though it doesn't cover much, it's better than nothing.

80. quiet moments reading The Message


  1. aww I hope the little one feel better soon.. My daughter is sick right now and is no fun at home:(

  2. I hope that he feels better soon & I think baby feet are the best!!


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