Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday

Stopping in to say I'm thankful for...

131. Malakai's temperature returning to normal

132. A good friend coming to stay with us next week

133. the motivator that next week's house guest has been to finally finish unpacking

134. our trip to Portland last weekend: getting my ring cleaned {so sparkly!}, walking around downtown, and lunch at The Original where we discovered this:
{voodoo donut burger}

135. Malakai sleeping through the night more often + falling back asleep on his own this morning after being awake is his crib for a few minutes. Who taught him that trick?

136. Listening to him talk in his sleep. I could {and will} write a whole post about the sleep walking/talking that goes on in this house.

137. the rain, for making it more bearable to be stuck inside with my sick boys.

138. our upcoming Memorial Day "get away". AKA house sitting at my parents' place while they go away for their anniversary.

139. the peace I feel knowing that God always provides and how that changes our financial outlook.

140. coffee with a mama friend while our boys play on the floor

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. aww i am so glad malakai is a little better and his fever is breaking and YAY for sleeping AND putting himself back to sleep! That is going to be glorious for you! Come link up at my place ! :)

  2. I am soo happy to hear Malakai is feeling better!! Nothing like people coming to stay with you to motivate you to finish projects, always works for me also!!


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