Monday, May 3, 2010

sitting for a minute

We surely had a busy weekend as I referenced in Friday's post. My siblings actually came over and helped Ben do some yard work. I'm so thankful for them picking up all the tree debris that was in the flower beds. We have an enormous maple tree in the front yard that had dropped a ton of seeds (you know the ones that spin down like helicopter propellers) before we even moved here. It was so bad that there were actually little saplings shooting up all over the yard! I wish I had a before and after picture, but they made the yard look so much better. We also happen to have an equally gigantic maple tree in the back that had dropped leaves everywhere that never got cleaned up while the house sat for sale from September until March. Sadly the once lovely lawn now has a ton of dead patches from the leaves. I'm not sure we'll get a chance to remedy this until next spring.

Meanwhile, I got some unpacking done while my sister-in-law played with Malakai. I'm going to try to finish a couple rooms today and clean up the kitchen. I'll be watching Henry at our house today for the first time, hopefully that goes well!

Now that's it's Monday and we didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping I'm eating a rather healthy breakfast of oatmeal (chocolate chip cookies).

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice weekend!

    My husband loves those cups, we have like 8. In the brown of course. :)


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