Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: Happy Christmas

Tomorrow we have the first of many Christmas celebrations. We are so excited to get together with family + spend time giving thanks for the birth of our Saviour. I'm really looking forward to giving gifts, and watching Malakai really dig in to opening presents and interacting with everyone.

We are so blessed right now.

This past Sunday the speaker at church said that at any given time 1/3 of the congregation is going through a storm, 1/3 is heading out of one, and the other 1/3 is about to experience one. Yet, instead of being overwhelmed about this,  we should embrace the storms because they bring about change. He later closed his message by saying "When God brings you to nothing, it's never to destroy you. Its to change your perspective."

I hope I'm able to remember those words and keep that outlook next time I encounter a storm in life.

This week I'm thankful for...

431. Ben coming home early, thus starting our long weekend!

432. no lines when we paid our visit to Santa last week, even though Kai wasn't too thrilled.

433. financial peace at a time of year that can be so stressful.

434. having so many of our loved ones close by.

435. houses lit up from the outside in.

436. modern medicine- Ben has bronchitis which results in a persistent cough. He was prescribed cough suppressant pills and they work like a miracle!

437. hot chocolate + candy canes

438. the ability to watch my son learn + grow every day.

439. the 23 Christmas cards we've received. I love getting mail and reading everyone's yearly letters!

440. the birth of Jesus Christ.

What are you thankful for this Christmas? I encourage you to take a break from your holiday preparations + reflect on that. De-stress and know that you are well loved.

Happy Happy Christmas everyone! I'll be back on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Have a very Merry Christmas & I will have to remember those words as we are in the 1/3 in a storm now!!


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