Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Month of Babies!

I know 6 babies that will be born this month, 5 of them are already here. It's amazing how many ended up due all at the same time.

I just came back from visiting some of my best friends and their precious baby boy who was born late last night. He's 3 ounces bigger and 2 inches longer than Malakai was and yet he seemed like the tiniest baby I had ever held. It's so difficult to imagine my big boy having been that small just a short 19 months ago.

I'd share some of the sweet pictures but the proud parents haven't had all their visitors or been able to share their own photos yet, so I'll keep them to myself for now.

It's hard to believe that in just about 8 months I'll have a tiny little bundle of my own again. I'm thoroughly looking forward to it. We are so blessed to have close friends having babies now, Malakai will be a big brother in training with these little ones, he'll be a pro by the time his new sibling arrives.

At 19 months my sweet boy is saying countless words and phrases, giving hugs + kisses, running and stomping, jumping and climbing and soaking up everything we say or do like a little sponge. As he's learning he's also teaching us new things every day.


  1. What a cutie!

    August is the baby month for me. Not me personally, but I know 4 friend and family members having babies in August. It will be a fantastic month of cuteness :)

  2. Love that photo!!

    We have a few births coming up & a few little ones that have already arrived here too.....

  3. I think it's age related; babies start popping up everywhere around me too... Jealous :)


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