Tuesday, September 6, 2011

34 weeks (and a day)

With the chaos of labor day activities (all really fun gatherings) there are zero recent photos of me. Which really, isn't a bad thing at all...

How far along? 34 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: up at least 25 lbs.
Stretch marks? only 1 new little one on the belly, I had zero from my last pregnancy until one popped up AFTER delivery. 
Maternity Clothes: If the weather could make up it's mind, getting dressed might be somewhat easier...
Sleep: terrible until I took a unisom on Sunday night. I still woke frequently to change positions, but was able to fall right back to sleep each time and sleep longer. I really needed that! 
Best moment this week: a sneak peek of some family photos we had taken.
Movement: frequent and sometimes uncomfortable.
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: just some uncomfortable contractions here and there, doesn't seem as bad as last time around but perhaps it's because I know what active labor feels like!
Food Cravings: nothing too intense. the heartburn keeps me from having much of an appetite.
Belly Button in or out? slightly out
What I miss: being able to get up off of the floor or a low seat without assistance. 
What I am looking forward to: having the house in order and a shorter to-do list.
Weekly Wisdomsnack throughout the day. I get so busy that I forget about needed to eat a bit more and end up feeling miserable. 
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: just a lot of "duh" moments, as usual. 
Milestones: only 6 weeks til our due date and 3 weeks away from being officially full-term! How did we get here so quickly?! I'm not ready!!!

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