Monday, September 26, 2011

FULL TERM- 37 weeks

Well, today this pregnancy is technically considered full term, but we're hoping little brother stays put for at least another week. We don't need another September birthday in the family, we're putting in new floors next weekend, and I'm just all around unprepared for him to be born. I mean....honestly if i went into labor today everything would be fine and I'd be just as happy to greet him as I would if he waited til October. I'm just as anxious to meet this little bean as I was when I was pregnant with Malakai, but I know I'll miss being pregnant too so I'm not in any hurry for him to get here. This pregnancy has FLOWN by for Ben + I this time around. I seriously still look down and think "oh yeah, I'm pregnant". 

{ready for fall!}

How far along? 37 weeks (previous pregnancy post here)
Total weight gain/loss: 33 lbs.
Stretch marks? just a few.
Maternity Clothes: pulled out a favorite maternity sweater that I only wore once last time around (pictured). Yay for cooler weather!
Sleep:tossing and turning. I probably turn over every hour and by 5am I'm so sore I can rarely keep sleeping.
Best moment this weekMalakai rubbing my belly and choosing to sit in my lap for a story, when he always prefers to sit by himself. I'm doing my best to soak up our time just the two of us before it changes forever.
Movement: big and sometimes painful.
Gender: just in case you forgot-it's a boy.
Labor Signs: actual contractions and some intense pain shooting down my legs that reminded me of my previous labor. yikes!
Food Cravings: costco hotdogs.
Belly Button in or out? slightly out, it seems to change depending on mine or baby's position.
What I miss: lots of things, right now I miss being able to snuggle Malakai close or have him sit cozy in my lap for reading stories.
What I am looking forward to: despite my not feeling ready, I am so excited to meet this little boy!
Weekly Wisdom: don't put off big projects until the last minute. We're really hoping I don't go into labor while the floor is being redone next weekend!
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: I went to mention to Ben that I had been having several contractions after my weekly OB appointment, but instead I said "I've been having a lot of transactions." I laughed so hard at myself that I cried.
I also ordered a regular pumpkin spice latte yesterday after drinking decaf this entire pregnancy. I didn't realize it until later that night, I feel so guilty!
Milestones: reaching full term today. 


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