Sunday, December 11, 2011

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

A week ago we went on an adventure to find the perfect Christmas tree. Since then things have been a bit busy, so not only have I not had time to share the photos, but it took us almost another week to get the tree decorated. Now it's decorated and oh-so festive, here's how we got to that point...

I had wanted to go to a Christmas Tree farm instead of a lot this year. I also wanted to find a place that had a horse ride and a certain festive ambiance that we could enjoy as a family. I knew it would probably cost a bit extra, but we considered it part of Kai's Christmas gift as we were mostly doing it for him.

We set out on a bitter cold morning with my parents and siblings in tow to Al's Hidden Valley Tree Farm per numerous recommendations after I polled my friends on facebook. They had it all, a covered gazebo with a fire pit and hot drinks and a carriage pulled by beautiful draft horses to take you out to find your tree. I may have been the most excited out of all of us, especially about the horses.


We waited quite a bit for the horses to come around and take us out to search for a tree. Once we got out to the right spot we tried to make quick work of finding the right tree because it was freezing cold outside. Desmond was bundled up in the front carrier and was thankfully the warmest out of all of us. Getting Kai to wear anything is a challenge, so you can only imagine the struggle to get him in to a warm puffy jacket. He refused to wear anything to warm his hands.


As soon as Malakai set foot amongst the trees and brush he began to stop on the tall grass and hit at it with his arms, making a very boyish crushing sound effect.


Then Kai and G'Pa got to running around the trees which I think really helped warm him up.


Once we found the perfect tree (not too tall and not too wide) we loaded it on to a trailer and headed back on foot so we didn't have to wait for the rest of the group to ride the carriage back. We drank hot cocoa + cider and cozied up by the fire while I tree got shaken out and bundled up.


I had never seen such a crazy machine as the one that shakes out the trees. I felt quite assured that we wouldn't be bringing any bugs home with us this year. It may seem silly but it's an honest concern for me after having baby spiders hatch in our house last year and slugs in our garage the year before. It's been a week now and we've seen no spiders or other creatures in the house.

Ben tossed the tree into my dad's truck and we headed down the street to their house for lunch. Oh, and here are a couple funny photos that I couldn't help but share...
I caught my mom giving me a weird look after I put Des in the Ergo so I asked her if I looked funny and then posed while she took my picture to show me how I looked. Below that is my sister Amanda with her boyfriend Kyle and our brother Cody acting super excited about the red tree...also a pose inspired by my mom as she really liked the little rust colored trees. 

When we finally got to decorate the tree, a few days after it was hanging out in our house, Malakai knew exactly what to do from his practice round at Mima + G'Pa's. He dumped out the ornaments again (Thank goodness we have plastic ones that look glass years ago when we had cats). Then he proceeded to hang them all in the same spot...


Ben helped him at first while I snuggled with Des and snapped photos of the festivities....


Then Kai put the star on top of the tree for the first time. He knew just what to do and was so excited about the whole event. 


Once it was up we turned out the lights and ooh + awed. 


This didn't last long because once the lights were out Malakai insisted they stay off and we play "nuh-night" and lay on the floor. All in all, the decorating of the tree lasted about 15 minutes and then we had to move on to something else. Ben and I finished the rest of the ornaments a few days later after bedtime.

So now our tree and other decor are up and we actually get to enjoy it before Christmas passes us by. Now I'm on to crafting up gifts for family any chance I get a free moment, which is always only when Ben is home and both boys are either happy or sleeping. Most of the time these events do not align for long. Here's hoping I can get it all done in time!

1 comment:

  1. cute! Does he rearrange the ornaments? That is a favorite activity in our house


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