Monday, June 6, 2011

21 weeks and feeling fine

Okay, that's a little bit of a lie. I have my down moments but I'll surely take the aches + pains over the nausea + extreme heartburn any day. Tylenol has been a good friend of mine lately, although I try to just tough it out for the most part I usually need some relief at the end of the day.


A few things about this week's picture:
1. we took this picture last night so the lighting was bad.
    a. notice the shadow adding a few inches to my belly.
    b. the coloring is weird because again, bad lighting. AKA a 150 watt torchlight to my right.
2. At the end of the day I look like a tired mess.
    a. I wore this dress to church, then changed to take a nap, then changed back into it to meet some friends for dinner at Five Guys, then changed into some jammies when we got home because the dress smelled like fries...then put it back on AGAIN when I realized I wanted to wear it for this picture. whew!

Anyway. Here are this week's stats:

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 12 lbs. as of my last appointment on 5.26
Stretch marks? no new ones.
Maternity Clothes: exclusively, sigh. 
Sleep: a lot better after getting out my pregnancy pillow. Ben calls it a cocoon. 
Best moment this week: watching Kai swim at my cousin's birthday party. He LOVED the water!
Movement: mostly at night, when I'm going to bed of course.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: nope.
Food Cravings: constantly cold drinks, fruit, smoothies, ice cream... it must be summer!
Belly Button in or out? getting flatter.
What I miss: clothing options. I'm only able to wear maternity pants now and I don't have a whole lot that fits well being smaller this time around. 
What I am looking forward to: baby showers, father's day, wedding showers, our anniversary....we have a busy summer ahead!
Weekly Wisdom: stretching does wonders! I've done a little bit of light yoga in the mornings and it really helps my back.
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: forgetting people's names. Thankfully it's when referring to them and hasn't happened face to face yet!

I'll be back later today or tomorrow to update on our weekend. 
In the meantime, be sure to visit my BIG giveaway!


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