Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I am 23 weeks pregnant and Malakai is 23 months old. Time is escaping me faster than ever before. I can only imagine it will speed up even more when our second son arrives in October. I try to slow down the days by watching and taking note of Malakai's growth as well as my own. 


We didn't take time to do the normal belly photos this week, but these pictures are from yesterday after Kai's nap. He rarely cuddles and I embraced the moment, barely moving so as to not cut it short. I thought to myself that this could be the easiest it'll ever be to hold both of my boys at the same time. 


How far along? 23 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: no clue, hopefully not much more since our last appointment.
Stretch marks? nothing new.
Maternity Clothes: I could use some warm weather clothes, anybody know of some good deals on maternity clothes? Second hand would be awesome!
Sleep: miserable again due to the return of heartburn + backpain.
Best moment this week: cuddle time with Malakai.
Movement: lots of kicks, punches + rolls as usual. 
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: nope.
Food Cravings: cake + ice cream. will someone please have a birthday party + invite me?
Belly Button in or out? flat.
What I miss: nothing really. despite the aches + pains I rather enjoy pregnancy. 
What I am looking forward to: my appointment tomorrow, my doc will start measuring my belly.
Weekly Wisdom: take each comment with a grain of salt. A checker at walmart on Saturday asked me "Getting close?" I responded with "not really" and then pouted all the way to the car. I know I don't look 9 months pregnant, but I was already having one of those days. 
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: At dinner with my in-laws I started to put cucumbers on my spaghetti instead of my salad. I got about 4 slices before I stopped to wonder what I was doing. Everyone else was just as confused as I.



  1. Those rare after nap cuddles are so precious <3

  2. Oh I love that picture! So adorable!

    I have, believe it or not, found some great deals on Mat. clothes at yardsales. they are hit or miss though.

    Also, do you have a Burlington Coat Factory near you? I got a few pairs of capris there for $7, and they had shorts on clearance (not my size..hmph) for like $5.


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