Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday: construction

Summertime in Oregon is construction season. It's pretty much the only time of year where it's dry for long enough periods of time to get anything done, so it seems crews are trying to get EVERYTHING done in 3 short months.

This summer our neighborhood is getting some repaving and sealing done on the roads. While I'm guessing it'll be nice when it's done, I know of many more deserving areas that could use the fixing (like our old neighborhood where railroad track was coming up under the pavement).

We live on a fairly small culdesac that is being sealed. I assumed it would be a one day job but they've been doing work on + off for the last month. An hour one day, a couple hours the following week, and son on.  I'm not really sure what dictates their schedule but they've swept the street 3 different times. Seems odd. One perk is that Malakai gets to watch the big trucks. One annoyance is that it often gets very noisy right at nap time. Another perk is that the 3 random cars that have been parked down the street for months are getting moved/towed. Either way I'll be glad when it's done.

I guess my point is that I have to be patient to see the outcome through. We have a lot of things we're waiting on right now and only one of those is the arrival of our 2nd child and I'm the least anxious about that! I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am, who my provider is, and that I have much to be thankful for each and every day.

This week I'm thankful for...

661. the increasing movements of our baby boy. I get so busy with Malakai and other responsibilities it's like he's telling mama to slow down and think of him.

662. Kai eating veggies today! Just a bit ago at lunch he wanted some of my salad, this happens often and he usually spits it out. He apparently is fond of caesar dressing and ate half of my lunch: lettuce, cucumbers + tomatoes in my toddlers tummy is a reason to celebrate!

663. my quiet office at the church. It's a nice place to get much more done in 2 hours than I can sometimes do in a whole day at home.

664. family gatherings. While our summer is filling up quickly and it's getting to be a bit overwhelming, I can't help but be glad that we have such a close family.

665. creative community. I frequent pinterest in the evenings and I finally got to put one of the crafty ideas to use. I actually made something for my classrooms at the church! I'll have to do a more detailed post later.

666. God's provision. We are seeing blessings after blessing in so many ways. From grocery store gift cards to the donations through our giveaway + fundraiser for Kai's surgery. My God is a God who provides!

667. a husband who is willing to work long hours so that we can continue to make ends meet. I know more than anything he'd like to come home after just an 8 hour shift but he is at work for 10 hours or more every day and does so without complaining.

668. bursts of energy. I've been having more moments when I have enough energy to do things like: lots of laundry, plant a veggie garden, or purge unused items in my closet. It's quite nice (minus the impending backache that usually ensues).

669. a bill of clean health from Kai's surgeon yesterday. He is cleared to take regular baths (we've been doing "sponge baths" for 3 weeks), play on riding toys, and potty train! woohoo!

670. your prayers, encouraging words, and general support. I am so overwhelmed at the community here of family, real life friends, internet friends, and complete strangers that have come together to offer support in our time of need. I hope that I can do the same for all of you when you need it!

What are you thankful for?

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