Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday: July

July is the busiest month of our lives every year. We always have plans for the 4th, then there's our anniversary and Kai's birthday. Each year there are also new birthdays, weddings, and other exciting things to add. I'm thankful for the busy-ness of it all because it means I have a lot of people to care for and people who care about us. I'm so blessed by the friends + family that we have!

This week I'm thankful for....

701. working a/c and a discounted repair thanks to a friend from my previous job! Chelsie, you + your family rock!

702. college friends. There are a few of us that are still super close and I love being able to have lasting relationships to look back on and see how we have all changed and grown.

703. a little getaway. We're going camping, so it won't be relaxing but it'll be an adventure!

704. my wiggly little baby boy. I get so busy with caring for Kai, our house, and preparing for things all day that I enjoy his little kicks to remind me to slow down and reflect.

705. my church family...for many many reasons.

706. the nice weather. We've had really mild temperatures so far and I've really enjoyed it.

707. and Amazon Mom/Subscribe and Save. 30% off diapers, delivered to my house in 2 days...yes please! This week I've also ordered Clif Bars, a nightlight for camping, training pants and newborn diapers.

708. hand-me-down maternity clothes. I am so lucky to have friends + family who are a similar size as me. Thanks Aimee for the great summer clothes!

709. my giving husband. He is my resting place.

710. my needy son. As a mama, it feels good to be needed sometimes.

What are you thankful for? I really want to know....leave me a comment even if it's 1 thing...or 20.

1 comment:

  1. I am also thankful for It is so much easier to order something online than to have to drive to town for one or two things with a toddler in tow. And they also usually have better prices anyway! We got a year of prime membership for free (I forget how) and the Free, two day shipping is making me spoiled :)
    Good luck with camping. We might attempt it this year but it makes me super nervous with the whole sleeping issue (he is finally sleeping all night and I don't want to mess it up!!). Let us know what worked and what didn't.


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