Tuesday, June 7, 2011

neighborhood walks, a baby shower + dinners out

We had a busy weekend as usual, but we also fit in some relaxing here + there. On Friday night we went to my cousin's birthday party which was at a hotel. We had the pool to ourselves and Malakai loved the water. I was curious how he'd do after being away from swimming pools for 9 months. Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I don't have any photos. He squealed with delight as soon as we got in the pool and tried to escape my grasp several times. All I know is that when we are by water our fearless little guy will be wearing a lifejacket the whole time.

We were all exhausted by the time we got home but Kai took forever to go to sleep. It was kind of torture. I also managed to burst a vein in my hand by leaning on it in the car. It felt like a bee sting and I couldn't figure out what had happened. The next day I wad a weird bruise and my mother-in-law who is a nurse told me what she though happened. Random.

Saturday we took advantage of the warm weather and went for a walk as a family with a stop at the park.

{he wore daddy's sunglasses the whole walk!}

That afternoon I went to a baby shower for a friend from church. She's due to have a little both, Harrison, in August. There were 4 of us pregnant there ranging from due in 2 weeks to 4 months (me). It was an adorable shower and I had a lot of fun. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera.

It's beginning to be the busy summer season. Our weekends are full of showers, weddings, and birthdays. Here's our summer at a glance in terms of the upcoming weekends:

6.11 a baby shower for Ben's cousin
6.18 + 19 Father's Day weekend
6.25 a wedding shower for my friend Megan
7.2 Fourth of July weekend
7.9 our anniversary weekend
7.16 Malakai's 2nd birthday
7.23 Ben + I are both in Megan's wedding
7.30 a "free" weekend that will probably end up being our big garage sale.

It's going to be busy! Weekends already fly by because I work all Sunday morning and Ben volunteers most Sundays. In fact between worship + Children's ministry he volunteers every Sunday this month. Malakai is going to have to get used to hanging out there all morning too!

Anyway, after the shower we headed to Ben's parents place to have dinner with them and Ben's brother David who was in town for the weekend. We actually ate outside, it was so warm! Then the boys played "the game" (not sure where that name originated) and Malakai helped.


Sunday we had a long morning at church followed by naps. Then we met our friends Krista + Matt to try Five Guys Burgers + Fries which just came to our area recently. I've heard about them through other blogs I read so I was eager to try it for myself. I also needed to catch up with Krista, who I used to work with, before her and her husband move to Portland later this month.


Malakai was fairly well behaved and even ate some of the food. He's been BEYOND picky lately. Krista snapped this picture with her phone and we all laughed that even though it was a phone Kai knew to say "cheese" when she pointed it at him.


Then we went home to cuddle and soak up the remaining hours of the weekend before Monday rolled around.

{Ben captured this rare moment of Kai choosing to cuddle}

I know it's already Tuesday, but how was your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have a busy summer ahead!! How did you like Five Guys? I thought is was really good- although I wish they didn't post the calories...yikes!


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