Tuesday, June 15, 2010

attempting to go on a date...

I can't believe it's already Tuesday. Usually I have Monday off, but my daycare schedule is a bit erratic with summer sneaking up on everyone, so I'm just now finding some time while Kai naps to update around here.

On Friday we had a big family get together for my cousin's high school graduation. He's the youngest of five. His sister, the oldest, just found out she is expecting her first so there was a lot of congratulating going on! Her little one will be the 2nd {to Malakai}born to our generation on this side of the family. I got her a little care package of oyster crackers {for "morning" sickness of course}, Burt's Bees Belly Balm {I used the belly butter for the itchy skin stage}, and an adorable little onesie that says "Wishes Do Come True" which I thought totally appropriate since they've been trying to conceive for about 2 years now. Of course to us it really means "Prayers Do Get Answered."

It was a late night out, and poor Malakai wanted to cruise all over the place but my aunt's house is far from baby proof. Plus there were so many people he was sure to get stepped on. He was quite frustrated by the end of the evening. 

Saturday morning we slept in as late as we could {8am!} and once Malakai went down for his morning nap we headed straight outside to get some work done. I cleared up the flowerbeds out front while Ben gathered his dad's tools and painting supplies that we borrowed when we moved in {TWO MONTHS AGO!}. 

It felt good to get something accomplished and spend the morning outside. I broke out this lovely ensemble to garden in:

I've had these overalls since 7th grade. A friend of mine had matching ones and we would often coordinate wearing them on the same day. I can't remember the last time I wore them, but I kept them for such an occasion. 

Ben even stopped what he was doing in the garage to help me clear out a particularly creepy section of the flower beds. It was just too "icky" for me, haha!

Once Malakai woke up we brought his pack 'n play out in the front for him to safely watch us while we finished up. He loved it!

Then we had a picnic lunch in the front yard and admired our work. 

Once we got cleaned up it was time for us to take Malakai to my in-laws so Ben + I could go to a movie. We had not been to a movie at the theater since the summer of 2008 {when we saw "Tropic Thunder" with my family, no wonder we weren't eager to go back!}. We were set to see Iron Man 2 at 2:45pm. Unfortunately when we got to the theater the times were 2:05 and 4:25pm. We hadn't been in so long we apparently forgot how it works {you know, times are updated on Fridays, and we hadn't looked since Thursday}. Ben was SUPER bummed, so we got some ice cream at the mall and decided to walk across the river and through the park. I was glad we got to enjoy more of the sunshine and we still had a great time. 

On Sunday after church we went out to my parents' place to try out the swimming pool with Malakai for the first time since he was 3 months old. 

Before getting wet...

The water was cold...

And the sun was really bright...

The whole ordeal didn't last for very long, but by the time he got used to it and even played a bit we had put all the cameras away. 

It was a lovely weekend full of activity so by Sunday evening little mister was very tired. Here he is snuggling G'Pa {my dad}

He passed out in the car on the way home and slept fairly well considering he's working on his 6th tooth, another incisor. Which actually turned out to be his 6 AND 7th teeth as a surprise one popped through on the bottom yesterday. Just when sleeping gets to be pretty easy at night, those darned teeth just keep coming up!

Hope all of you had a fantastic weekend. I'm off to get some stuff done around the house while I still have some of Kai's nap left!


  1. I was looking at your pictures, and besides having the same hat, my son puts his finger in his mouth to the side just like your little guy!! It's so cute!! Looks like you guys had a nice time!

  2. yikes! sounds like kai's teething like crazy! eddie is a little shark too. how's the sleep going?

    aww - i love this post about the yard picnic. we have a small patio, but no greenery in our area of the apt complex. love the flower shot!

  3. ARob- he just started the single finger thing. He was doing it on both sides and we thought he was just teething on one side...but we were mistaken.

    MM- It's a never ending cycle. I feel your pain every time you write about Eddie's teething woes. Sleep has been very difficult in our house. Teething tablets as often as possible and Motrin or Tylenol {generics} at night...but last night none of it seemed to work. He just wanted to screeeeam!poor kiddos.

  4. love the overalls haha!! perfect for the yard work!

  5. Looks like an amazing weekend & I love the big tree in your front yard; perfect shade for Kai!!


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