Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: a notebook

This week has flown by and now Malakai and I are sick again. I felt better when I recently read that little ones get between 6-10 colds a year. He literally goes back and forth from teething to being sick, poor kiddo never gets a break! Yet, he's still a super happy baby, thank you Lord!

Ben and I have let life get busy all around us and have been flying around on separate wave lengths for a while now. I miss him. I also let myself get increasingly frustrated with him in little to no time at all. I've given in to anger and I know that the enemy has a hand in it. I'm not usually so easily or quickly irritated.

Yesterday was not a fun day, but we NEVER let the sun go down on our anger or sadness and things were resolved and prayed through before we went to bed.

I've been trying to "do it all" on my own, forgetting to take time to breathe and let God be in control. Let him guide me so that my way will be smoother, better.

Today I was looking for a blank sheet of paper and came across a notebook. I didn't remember what was inside and it took a second glance to jog my memory. It was full of letters that Ben and I wrote back and forth to each other when we were dating. It started in June 2006 {while Ben was working at summer camp} and we filled it in just 4 short months. When he was at camp I'd drop it off when I came to visit and watch him put on the programs at campfire and he'd bring it back to me when he was off for the weekends.

I can hardly believe I'd forgotten about it.

I haven't read through it yet. Instead, I started a new notebook and slipped the old one inside for Ben to find. I left a note on the door so he'll see it when he comes home tonight {he should get home about 30 minutes or so before me}.

Whenever I heard about how marriage relationships change after kids I always thought, "that'll never be me". I figured we were prepared. Now I don't think anyone can prepare for the changes that occur when something so incredible as the birth of a child into the family happens. The best you can do is adapt, be flexible, and communicate. I'm happy to say that with help we've been pros at it so far, but things change and it's easy to neglect yourself and each other when you're caring for your child.

I think we're on the other side of this and I'm so blessed to have such a sweet, patient, + caring husband to learn and grow with.

This week I'm thankful for:

171. The obvious- my husband and our {mostly} Christ-centered marriage.

172. the HOT weather today!

173. 2 hours I had {mostly} to myself with both babies snoozing away earlier today.

174. another new pregnancy! I mentioned my cousin last week and now one of my best friends from college is expecting. Both had been trying for 2+ years and now they're both due in February 2011! A literal answer to prayer, God is AWESOME!

175. the gift of getting to watch Malakai grow, learn + develop. It's happening so fast, it amazes me every day {he now dances on command + says "uhoh" when something gets dropped}.

176. air conditioning: something we did NOT have last summer.

177. coffee

178. 1st BBQ of the summer tonight!

179. fresh strawberries from our own backyard

180. love.


  1. i love this post. you found that notebook at exactly the right God thing.

    and how great that you have started a new one :)

    thanks for stopping by my blog---i love your honest writing over here!

  2. Shan, I have been feeling the same way lately. Mostly like I have lost my way, but it certainly has a negative effect on my marriage from time to time. I hope it is just an adjustment period. Also, I know that acknowledging that there is an issue is better than ignoring it. The notebook sounds so sweet. I hope things turn around!!

  3. what an answer from God to find that notebooK! And soo great that you two have really centered your marriage on Christ. It will totally benefit. :) My husband and I always write little notes to each other and sometimes it really does just make some things better!

  4. This post is a reminder for all of us to slow down and remember God is in control of it all. I hope you and hubby get some time to spend together soon :)


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