Friday, June 4, 2010

photo friday: mish-mash

I've been working on a couple giveaways + reviews lately. Soon I'll be doing one for CSN Stores. CSN has offered me a Eddie Bauer diaper bag to review. With 200+ stores, CSN carries everything from cookware to sofas. Later today I'll be posting a very exciting giveaway, so be sure to come back for your chance to win!

As far as photos go, I've been working on a special post about Ben + I for almost a month now, and once again it's not ready. The last 2 Fridays I've been doing daycare for a whole 9 hour day and all the photos I need are on the desktop at home so it keeps getting pushed back. I'm really excited about sharing the photos and story with all of you. It'll happen soon.

This week I've posted most of my photos in previous posts already but here's a mish-mash of what I haven't shared with you yet.




Miraculously I've been able to move Malakai from his carseat to his crib when he falls asleep on the way home from watching Henry. Hence, why he's wearing a hoodie to bed. My mama friends have asked me to share my "secret" but it's all Malakai and his amazing sleeping skills. I just scoop him out of the car, lay him on my shoulder, put a little extra bounce in my step as I walk him in the house and set him down. I am really enjoying this stage knowing it can't last forever. 

{let's call grandma!}

Malakai has been gifted most of his toys, this one is a new fave. He's been given toys that are supposed to look like phones or remotes, but they don't have all the lights and sounds like the real thing. This one has lights, buttons, sounds- the works! I can't wait til he pretends to talk on it. 

{daddy with his little conductor}

I just love seeing my boys smile. And aren't these overalls the cutest? I got them at a shower and Kai finally fits them. They have matching shoes and coat. With how wiggly my little bean is these days it's hard to get him to cooperate with my photoshoots so I haven't been able to get a good shot of him in the whole ensemble.

That's my photos for the week. Again, don't forget to check back this afternoon for a chance to win some goodies.

Happy Friday!


  1. Such cute pictures! I'll be back later to check out your giveaway!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I would order the sampler, the boon spoon and the veggie purees.

  4. I am a fan of eco mom on facebook.

  5. I signed up for their newsletter.


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