Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful on a Thursday: First Fruits

I know I usually post this first thing in the mornings, but better late than never right? 
{PS I have no idea what's going on with the funky spacing below. Please forgive me.}

Proverbs 3:9-10 (New International Version)

 9 Honor the LORD with your wealth,
       with the firstfruits of all your crops;
 10 then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
       and your vats will brim over with new wine.

Our church practices "First Fruits Giving" on an annual basis. It's simply giving above your tithe in a way that stretches you to be forced to rely on God to provide for you. Ben and I have done it every year we've been married. The way our church does it is you turn in a card with what you'd like to see happen in your life and the leaders pray over these things all year. It's a way of trusting that God will bless you.
Our first year one of the things we needed was for Ben to get a new job. Although this didn't look exactly how we pictured it, and he's no longer at that job, this prayer was answered.
Last year we wrote down that we'd like to buy a house. I had doubts that it would happen, not that God couldn't work it out for us, but that it was going to be the right time for us. I was obviously wrong as we've been living in our newly purchased home for over 2 months now.
This year we need continued financial covering, and could use a little more (aka Ben getting a raise). However, we're struggling a bit about how much to give. The last two years after praying individually we came up with the exact same numbers. Neither one of us is sure and I'm learning that it's not about the number, but about the commitment and trusting God. I don't think that God is asking us to give a huge sum of money this year. He knows that we trust Him in this. Our finances are no longer a worry. We don't fight about money, in fact, I rarely think of it because I know in my heart that God will always provide.
We haven't yet decided what to give, but are still in prayer about what God wants from us. I'm sure it'll come to us soon. I'm just enjoying the feeling that comes from an understanding and a peace that only God can provide.
This week I'm especially thankful for:
141. My college bestie coming to stay with us.
142. Getting invited to a bridal shower lunch for my former co-worker even though I haven't worked there for almost a year & getting out to spend some time with ladies while my little boy stayed at home with his Grandma.
143. Malakai finally "getting it" with the no-spill sippy!

144. Hawaiian plate lunch at "HodgePodge"
145. Setting a date for Malakai's 1st Birthday!

146. discovering a chocolate latte at Marche Cafe...there is chocolate ganache in it people! new fave!
147. hearing Ben read stories to Malakai, especially when he makes them up. He's SO good at it.
148. bath time fun.
149. having my parents + in-laws nearby.
150. reliving the greatness that was Alias on DVD


  1. His eyes are so big in that picture; he must really love whatever he is drinking!!

  2. haha, he sure does! It's breastmilk! :)

  3. Thanks for your post about tithing. It's not something we've done yet at our church (well the church we've been attending for a year now), but it is something that I grew up knowing. And I really do feel like it is important, I just need to communicate that with my husband. It shouldn't be, but it is amazing to see the results when we ask and God gives it to us!


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