Monday, May 2, 2011

Clean Sweep + 16 weeks

I love the weekends, but they go by entirely too fast. We just start to get into a groove of having Ben here all or most of the day and suddenly it's Monday morning again and he's out the door before we even wake up.

We had an impromptu dinner at my in-laws on Friday night followed by chasing Malakai around the yard in the beautiful weather.

Saturday was reserved for finally going through the garage, "Clean Sweep" style. During Kai's nap we  moved the car out into the driveway, swept the floor and taped down labels. We had a section for trash/recycling, donation, garage sale, storage, and keep/unpack.

I wish I would have taken before, during, and after pictures like I usually do. We were so in the zone and trying to make the most of our time before Kai woke up that I didn't think about it. I did take the advice of a friend and took pictures of things that aren't useful but have sentimental value so I could donate them or throw them away. How did I not think of that sooner?! Such a great idea for things like my counselor nametag from outdoor school and the box full of elementary school artwork that my mom snuck over from her storage.

Once Malakai woke up we tried to bring him out to have a snack in his stroller so we could keep working, but that didn't last long. So decided to leave the rest for after lunch on Sunday. Plus we had Ben's grandma and aunt come by to visit. They were seeing the house for the first time. Malakai was in a terribly cranky mood, throwing fits for seemingly no reason at all. I think he simply woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wasn't ready to entertain new people.

Later while I put dinner together Ben took Malakai to play out back. He got these incredible pictures of him discovering the dandelions. It made me wish I had been out there, and surprisingly enough it made me not hate the weeds as much as I usually do.

{look at the little seeds floating away, so pretty}

After dinner Kai decided to make another discovery. That the bed in the guest room (soon to be playroom) is like a bigger version of his. He looked so tiny when he climbed up and pulled the quilt over himself. I know that once our 2nd baby is here, Malakai will probably never look tiny again. 

{my mom made this quilt out of fabrics from my childhood: other blankets, clothes she had made me or my dolls, etc.}

On Sunday we did our regular church routine. Malakai did better with me leaving him in the nursery than he has been lately and was very pleasant with the volunteers and other children. The past few weeks he's been pushing and tantruming...not my favorite. 

Once we got home, Kai napped and we went back to work on the garage. He woke again before we finished, but we had gotten enough done that Ben could do the rest himself. Our trunk is now full of things for donation and everything in the garage is much more organized. There are still a few boxes to unpack, but at least we know what's in them and where we want it to eventually go. Once we have our garage sale we will have even more room. Right now we have our upright a/c from the old house, space heaters, a tv, and a ride on toy taking up most of the space. We're hoping we can make some good money to put towards Kai's surgery. 

Later that night we unpacked our DVDs for the first time since we moved just over a year ago! Shows how much time we have for watching movies around here. We actually decided to get rid of about half of them and added them to the garage sale pile. It felt so nice to know that we'll soon be rid of a LOT of clutter. I am really looking forward to the empty space in our future. 

Next, before the garage sale, we are going to go through all the closets and sort out clothes and other unpacked boxes. I'll mostly be working on this during nap times and Ben will help after bedtime during our rare free evenings. Is it weird to be excited about this? 

After finishing the garage Ben took the weekly belly picture. I had to laugh that I was wearing a really cute and put together outfit for church that morning and we took the picture in a t-shirt and jeans. Oh well. 


How far along? 16 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs! Seemed like a lot to me, but I can't remember how much I had gained at this point last time around and Dr. M says it's just fine. 
Stretch marks? nope
Maternity Clothes: still a mix of small maternity and medium sized pre-pregnancy clothing. I've found myself digging out all my long tops. I have a feeling I'll need to store some shorter shirts already. 
Sleep: pretty good this week.Especially last night after all the work we did over the weekend. I find myself rolling onto my stomach and back lately. 
Best moment this week: Ben hearing the baby's heartbeat for the 1st time.
Movement: yes, lots! I can't wait for Ben to feel it. 
Gender: ultrasound scheduled for May 26th!
Labor Signs: nope.
Food Cravings: stirfry, vanilla ice cream, brownies. you know, healthy stuff. 
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: my pre-pregnancy jeans. I'm stuck to the same 2 pairs over and over right now.
What I am looking forward to: the ultrasound in just 25 days (yes, I'm counting down). 
Weekly Wisdom: get ready early. I'm so glad we're starting to get all the big cleaning and organizing items done now before I'm too big to lift and bend (although I'm careful about anything heavy). 
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: forgetting the words to things all the time. For some reason, with both pregnancies I seem to have trouble with words for describing furniture and fixtures. Last night I couldn't think of the word "knobs" when talking about the sink fixtures. 

What did you do with your weekend? Was it sunny and beautiful like it was here? 


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