Monday, May 16, 2011

22 months... 18 weeks

Today Malakai is 22 months old and I am 18 weeks into my 2nd pregnancy. Malakai is also 4 days into recovering from his surgery. He's had a lot of ups and downs. Just when Ben + I start to think that he's on a quick road to recovery he has a bad day or a rough night...or both. Yesterday he was stopped up so bad he was clinging to me and crying for 10 minutes. Last night he was awake crying about every hour and this morning he is understandably cranky (but no longer having digestive issues, for now!).


At 22 months old, despite just having undergone surgery, he is quite energetic and social. He gets very excited and "shows off" whenever we have guests. He just learned to say his own name "Mai-uh-tai" and can repeat just about any word you ask him to, if he's in the mood that is.

He's not much of a morning person and prefers to wake up slow, just like his mama. He will lay in bed and talk to himself for up to 20 minutes or snuggle in my lap if I come into his room as soon as he wakes up. After 4 weeks in a toddler bed, he still doesn't get out until someone opens the doors to his room to greet him.

Recently Malakai has started to play pretend. He'll hammer with two mega-blocks stuck together, make his toys dance, and has conversations with the squirrels and birds outside. He loves to read and prefers to turn the pages in his books and "read" to us than sit in our laps and let us read to him. Some of his favorites that he has memorized are Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can you?, One Two Three, Doggies, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Old MacDonald, Where's Mommy?, and Big Dog, Little Dog.

He knows a handful of colors, numbers, and letters. As long as I can remember he has loved to sort objects.


Toddlerhood definitely has it's challenges but it also comes with many rewards. I love to watch Malakai grow and learn. I am so blessed to be his mama.

Below is a comparison of my two pregnancies so far. The first time around we didn't have the nice camera we do now (that we borrow from my in-laws) so the picture quality isn't great. The size and shape of my belly looks dramatically different, but I was roughly 10lbs heavier when I got pregnant with Malakai. I think being thinner all over and the 2nd time around equals a much more pronounced baby bump!


How far along? 18 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 7 lbs. as of my last appointment two weeks ago.

Stretch marks? nope
Maternity Clothes: jeans and dress pants, but I mostly hang out in yoga pants and t-shirts at home. 
Sleep: dependent upon Malakai lately. 
Best moment this week:I haven't focused much on pregnancy moments this week with Kai's surgery. I guess just feeling and seeing the baby move and how excited Ben is when he feels it. 
Movement: lots.
Gender: we're hoping to find out in 10 days! don't forget to vote in the poll to the left!
Labor Signs: nope.
Food Cravings: back to vanilla ice cream. I can't get away from the sweets!
Belly Button in or out? in but getting flatter.
What I miss: clothing options.
What I am looking forward to: other than the ultrasound, I'm looking forward to sunny weather to get more exercise and hopefully slow the weight gain a bit. 
Weekly Wisdom: know your limits.
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: general clumsiness around the house. luckily nothing has broken recently.

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