Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday: it's a...

I've been holding it in all morning. We agreed to wait to tell Ben's parents until they were able to find out together at 3:30pm when his dad was done teaching. Which meant waiting to tell everyone else until after they knew the big news. I told my mom and Ben told my dad this morning and I've been saying it to Malakai all morning, but now I finally get to share with you all!


Malakai is going to have a sweet little brother! Yep, it's a boy! 

It's funny how split the guesses have been. It started out being heavily in favor for a girl and then ended with fairly even numbers for both, even on facebook this morning.

At the ultrasound Malakai did fairly well, but got restless a couple of times. The tech was mostly patient with us and our littlest boy who was being very wiggly near the end. Here is a video she took for us of him just relaxing before he started to get jumpy.

I am so excited to have a pair of little boys. I pray that they'll be the best of friends. I can't wait to see if they look alike and how they interact together. I'm not at all disappointed that we aren't having a girl this time around, but finding a name just got a little more difficult!

This week I'm so thankful for...

651. a healthy baby boy!

652. a patient toddler.

653. their doting daddy.

654. fresh banana-carrot bread for breakfast

655. seeing our sweet little one's features

656. an afternoon nap with Malakai (I carried him from his room to ours so we could snuggle)

657. being able to say "he" instead of "it" and "the baby"

658. cooler, wetter weather.

659. getting to stay home with my son each day. 

660. the joy that comes with sharing exciting news with family + friends.


What + who are you thankful for this week?


  1. Malakai will make a great brother :)

    These pictures are giving me baby fever. Thankfully, my girlfriend just had a baby a couple days ago. I'll get to see Conner on Monday and get my baby fix.

    I miss having a snuggly baby. Mines always on the move anymore.

  2. you are going to LOVE having two boys! ::) But then again, I may be a little biased.. congrats girl!

  3. YAAAAY! Brothers! Im so excited for you guys!

  4. Congrats on finding out its a boy!! That's so exciting!

  5. Yay, it's a boy! Congratulations!


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