Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday: from sick to sunshine

As I mentioned, Tuesday night I was not feeling well. I woke up Wednesday from what felt like little to no sleep. Malakai was up early and cranky all day. I didn't know what to do to help him because he was throwing some pretty major tantrums while all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch and sleep.

Somehow we managed to get through the morning. We both took a nap and woke up feeling much better. The sun had also come out so we went out back to enjoy the warm weather for a little while.
{stepping off the deck by himself for the first time}

 Later when daddy came home Kai had a bit of a meltdown about playing at the mailbox, we calmed him down with an ipod, ate dinner outside, played some more and went for a nice walk through the surrounding neighborhoods.


I brought the camera along specifically to get some shots of the neighbors flowering dogwood tree. I really want one of my own someday but will have to settle for the one across the street and these photos. 
I think they are the most beautiful when they first bloom and are dark pink, but now that they are sprouting leaves they've faded. 


I also snapped some photos of other lovely plants along the way. It was such good lighting and such a nice temperature for a walk. Usually I get a chill from the breeze but it was warm enough for me to be comfortable in shorts and a tank top!

{no clue what this is, but it's pretty!}

{I want our sad, tiny japanese maple to look this vibrant someday}

{one of the very few blossoms on our wisteria}

Today is another gorgeous one and I'm hoping after nap time to get some more time soaking up the rare (to Oregon) vitamin D!

This week I'm so thankful for...

641. Malakai's speedy recovery. He still has his down moments but is for sure on the mend!

642. the gorgeous weather and the chance to spend some time outside enjoying it!

643. my long time friends. There are a handful of you that have been around through it all, you know who you are and I'm so very thankful for you!

644. as always, the love of my life: he makes me laugh, lets me cry, prays over our family, and knows just how to take care of us.

645. a dependable car. I often get caught up in complaining about only having one car, but I'm so thankful that we even have that!

646. my appetite. I took it's return for granted until getting sick Tuesday night.

647. my sister. She came to stay with us for a couple days. It was nice to have some help and adult company.

648. nap time. Right now Malakai is sleeping soundly and I'm coveting this time because I know he could forgo his daily naps at any moment.

649. being caught up on laundry! All our work before surgery has really paid off this last week.

650. again- friends + family who brought us meals during recovery. It was such a blessing to focus on Kai's needs and have a meal ready to go for several nights in a row!

We all have so much to be thankful for, despite the twists + turns of life.  Can you think of 10 things this week?

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