Monday, August 1, 2011

29 weeks

With how often we've been out + about the last couple of months we haven't really been taking photos in the normal spot. Here I am on Saturday (28 weeks + 5 days) at Triangle Lake. Not the most flattering shot, but it'll do.


How far along? 29 weeks (previous pregnancy post here + pics here)
Total weight gain/loss: up 23 lbs. total. 
Stretch marks? no
Maternity Clothes: yes
Sleep: as good as it gets at this point.
Best moment this week: choosing baby's first name! but Ben + I are literally the only 2 who know until he's born. We did the same thing with Malakai. Now to figure out his middle name...
Movement: Tons! I can feel him from my ribs to my hips.
Gender: BOY! although sometimes I worry that we've attached ourselves to the thought of a boy, named him, and then we'll end up with a girl. How weird would that be?!
Labor Signs: none
Food Cravings: watermelon. I'm convinced I could eat an entire one in a day all by myself. Also, sugar snap peas (from my garden!)
Belly Button in or out? flat
What I miss: I'm already missing the 2nd trimester. Heartburn is coming back and I can't bend over to paint my own toes!
What I am looking forward to: next weekend is a big leadership conference that I'm going to at the church, and Ben will be staying home with Kai for two full days. I am looking forward to their bonding time. 
Weekly Wisdom: get out of the sun/heat BEFORE you start to feel too warm. 
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: I've forgotten Ben's phone number momentarily and last night I couldn't remember if I was about to be 29 weeks or 30!
Milestones: the first time I felt REALLY pregnant was this past Friday when Ben + I went to dinner + a movie and sitting for 2+ hours in a movie theater was just a little too much for me. I felt huge and sore by the end of the evening. We also finished registering at Target this past weekend + sent out the shower invites.


  1. I thought the same thing the other day...what if the baby came out a girl?! You look great by the way! Hope you're feeling good.

  2. Im still on a watermelon kick as well! Its so darn good and cooling in this heat!

  3. Many congrats, loved reading your story and look forward to following along!

    Week 29 Pregnancy


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