Monday, March 14, 2011

10 (ish) weeks

Last pregnancy I was so good at the updating on the day a new week into the pregnancy started. Well, I was 10 weeks on Friday. We hadn't taken a photo since 8 weeks (not that a ton had changed) so we took one on Saturday and now I'm finally posting it on Monday. I can't believe it's been a whole week since I've posted any new photos on the blog! It doesn't mean I wasn't taking pictures, that's physically impossible for me, I just hadn't fished them off my camera yet.

Anyway, here I am looking rather pregnant at only 10 weeks. I think it's a mix of showing earlier with the 2nd pregnancy and being 10lbs + 5 sizes smaller than last time.

Today at church, running around doing my "thing" I started to feel particularly heavy + achey. It's too soon!

Here's one of those fun surveys to keep up with the progress of my pregnancy. If you hate these, then feel free scroll through for some pictures of Kai :)

How far along? 10 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: none yet.
Stretch marks? nope
Maternity Clothes:  bought a smaller pair of jeans that fit great (pictured) until I walked for a while and they started to slide down. haha.
Sleep: pretty good despite some crazy vivid dreams.
Best moment this week: being heartburn free!
Movement:  too early
Gender: no clue!
Labor Signs: course not.
Food Cravings: breakfast foods: cinnamon rolls (check!), waffles (check!), eggs (check!), homefries (check!)
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: a regular appetite
What I am looking forward to: getting past the "is she or isn't she?" stage.
Weekly Wisdom: take it easy. unfolded laundry (no matter how high the pile) isn't the end of the world.
Milestones: "feeling" pregnant
Baby Brain Moment of the Week: I think I've been doing pretty well remembering things so far...but maybe you should ask my husband :)

Now here are a few photos from our past week or so, mostly of Malakai of course. Sorry I held out on ya'll for so long. 

{1st fingerpainting with his friend Haley}

{playing outside with daddy}

{preferring the couch to his Elmo chair these days}

{sweet little tip-toes + leg-rolls}

How was your past week + weekend? 


  1. you look fabulous! Happy 10 weeks!

  2. Looking great girl! I popped quickly with Ian. It was crazy. last week was pretty terrible... thank god it's a new week.

  3. You look so cute, and I'm glad your heartburn is gone! :)


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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