Wednesday, March 30, 2011

push it back

I went in for my second visit with my Obstetrician this morning. First thing I find out is that from the ultrasound they did 4 weeks ago, my due date is changing. I wasn't expecting this since Malakai measured a few days smaller than my due date pretty much the entire pregnancy. However, this baby was measuring 10 days small (which is the cut off for changing the due date). So I went from October 7th to 17th. I don't really mind moving further into October since we have 10 family birthdays in September, 5 of them immediate family members. We don't really need another September baby!

 However, the change put me from 12 weeks 5 days to 11 weeks 2 days today. I'm going to really have to shift my mindset. The last 6 weeks I've been 10 days off in my thinking. I'm also further away from the 14 week/2nd trimester mark that I've been counting down to. That was when I started to feel better when pregnant with Malakai, I'm holding out hope that it could be the same this time around.

Then I got to hear the sweet baby's heartbeat for the first time. Music to my ears, I wish Ben could have been there. Since Dr. M couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler at my last appointment ( I was only 7 weeks 2 days so that's why!) we went in for an ultrasound but the tech didn't turn the volume on so we only saw the heartbeat. Today Dr. M found little bean's heartbeat right away, a strong 160 bpm.

When we were expecting Malakai, Ben + I both worked at the same place. Scheduling my appointments during a lunch break when we could both leave together and be back in less than an hour was a breeze. He was with me at every.single.visit. This time, I've had 4 baby related visits and he's only been to one, the ultrasound. Unfortunately, with him working across town it just hasn't been reasonable for him to make it to the appointments so far. I did schedule the next one during lunch time so he can try to meet me there. I know he really wants to be there and hear the beautiful little heartbeat! are the corrected bump photos from what I've shared so far.





So on MONDAY I'll be 12 weeks and post a new picture and some stats. 
What an interesting week I'm having!


  1. That's crazy that the due date changed that much, but you look absolutely adorable in all the photos! :)

  2. With this pregnancy they changed my due date after our ultrasound too! It went back 10 days! I remember it was a little difficult to get things changed around in my mind. But hey, it gives baby a chance to come early and be a great surprise when you are on your last leg!


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