Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday

I've been terrible about posting pictures all week. My blog looks so boring right now! I know, it's very much not like me, but due to sheer exhaustion this is going to be another post without photos. Maybe I'll make up for it tomorrow.... maybe.

This will also be a short post as I'm waiting for a certain little boy to fall asleep so I can take a nap as well. I just had to move all the toys away from arms reach around his crib as he was trying to grab for them. I also had to swap about his blanket for a different one since he was chewing the fuzz off of it. Kids can be so strange sometimes.

This week I'm thankful for...

541. new words: this week Malakai started saying yogurt and dinosaur. Although they sounded more like "dough-dut" and "dio-dose".

542. Ben finishing a 10 week long Wednesday night class for work. With worship practice that was two nights in a row without daddy.

543. friends. All you ladies out there have been so supportive as I whine + complain about all of our hardships lately. Thanks for listening and offering advice. I wish more of you lived closer so we could get together!

544. spring. While it's still over a week away until it's officially spring, we have hyacinth and crocus blooming outside already.

545. naps. I'm pretty sure I said this last week, but I am so thankful to be staying at home and working a part time job that allows me to flexibility of taking a nap while Kai does. Albeit my house is a mess, it has been nice.

546. A consultation appointment with Kai's surgeon tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting some answers and moving forward with correcting his hernia so we can be done with it all.

547. being heartburn free for two days. Thanks to my father-in-laws advice on medicine dosage, I found relief! This has also made my appetite stronger.

548. cravings. I will welcome any leaning towards eating food since everything pretty much sounds terrible most of the time. Yesterday morning it was cinnamon rolls, so I went with it and made some. yum!

549. my husband. He is so patient + understanding when I am being difficult, easily irritated, and grouchy. Thanks for dealing with me Ben!

550. siblings. Including my in-laws. I love all 4 of you, and wish we saw you all more often.

What are you thankful for this week? If you post about it on your blog, leave me a link!


  1. We are all thankful for you too!!! Maybe some
    Sat we could meet in Salem, you, and Amanda.
    Just for lunch and some shopping. :) the moms could come too if they wanted!

    I have no weekend in mind, just an idea for sometime

  2. My main piece of advice is ask the surgeon if you can be there when Kai wakes up from anesthesia. Not all surgeons will let you do this. Liam's did, and I was so grateful that I was the very first thing Liam saw when he woke up. I didn't want him waking up in a strange place without me.

    Liam was so happy to see me, he tried to get up immediately to get to me. The nurse let me hold him in my arms. He was happy once he was in my arms. The nurse even let me carry him to recovery instead of having to put him back on the bed to be wheeled away. Liam slept peacefully in my arms as he recovered.

    If the surgeon does let you be there when Kai wakes up, they'll likely only allow one of you. Brent wanted to be there too, but mommy's vote won. It really wasn't long after Liam woke up that Brent was able to see him along with my parents.

    Thats another thing. Bring more then Ben. You need distraction, support, and help with carrying everything around. If it is just you and Ben, then bring a stroller. I didn't even think of that, but saw other parents there with strollers. It was helpful for carrying not only the child if they needed their arms free to sign paperwork before being admitted, but could also be used to lug around essentials for the kiddo (ie: stuffed animals, blankets, bottles, binkis, diapers, and such).

    I hope this advice helps. It's stuff you don't know until you've gone through it yourself.


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