Tuesday, March 1, 2011

pushing through

This past weekend we had so many things going on that I had to push through the "morning" sickness and the exhaustion to get things done and meet social obligations. I'm glad I did, but I'd pay for it every night.

I switched from my prescription prenatal vitamins back to my over-the-counter brand and felt less nauseated as soon as the next day. I'll be discussing this with my doctor tomorrow. The main reason for the prescription was to get enough folic acid, but it's only a 200mcg difference, so I'm hoping it's ok. I never took prescription vitamins with Kai.

On Friday night we dropped Malakai off at Grandma + Grandpa Pottorf's house to go to a fundraiser at my brother Cody's High School for Mr. Falcon. It was dinner, a play, and an auction. I did pretty well eating the food and dealing with the smells. I had my trusty oyster crackers with me, which almost always helps.

{Cody + his friend Tyler}

When we got home I went straight to sleep, it was about 8:30pm. Yes, I was exhausted. 

On Saturday I got up at 6am to get ready for a women's conference in Salem. My mother-in-law picked me up and we met my sister-in-law there. The conference was all day, I was armed with plenty of snacks and water to keep me from getting sick from an empty stomach and I did fairly well. 

{me, Kristi, + Debbie}

I got home at 5:30 and we immediately rushed to get ready to head out the door again for a friend's 80's themed birthday party. We were late, but luckily they live just down the street. Here's what we threw together...

{Ben went 80's preppy. the bday boy in the background}

{Kai rocked some metalic guitars + mama had the classic side ponytail}

We got to meet yet another sweet newborn February baby, little Henry, and enjoyed a feast of Mexican food. We got home around 8:30 and after Kai went to bed, I crashed early again. I was so exhausted that I went to sleep with all my makeup on, blue eyeshadow + all. 

Sunday I went to church at 8am for work. Ben + Kai met me later that morning for 2nd service. Malakai took a nap when we got home around 1pm and so did I (can you see a trend here?). Afterwards we went to my parents' place to visit and have dinner. Ben + Cody brainstormed skit ideas for the Mr. Falcon pageant coming up in May, I'm excited to see what they put together. 

Yesterday I had planned on running errands, and even though I started to feel really sick again, I got ready and we headed out the door. On the way to the store Malakai fell asleep. It was also pouring down rain. So I decided to head to Jamie + Jacob's house to visit them, hoping Kai was sleep. But he woke up as soon as the rain drops hit his face. After visiting we headed back home and napped (the best time of day). Afterwards we picked up daddy from work and ran a few of the errands we didn't accomplish earlier. 

I returned a pair of pants I had purchased at The Loft, but couldn't find the receipt. They generously gave me store credit, but the bummer is that they don't have maternity wear in store and I can't use it online. I'm thinking that maybe I'll be able to find some cute tops in the summer that will work for my swelling belly. 

Speaking of, here's a photo from this past Friday. 

I'm so terrible about blogging on Mondays lately. I get so tired over the weekend that I don't want to do anything but snuggle up with Malakai and rest. Hopefully I'll get my energy back soon and get back in the groove of things.

Even though it's already Tuesday, what did you do over the past weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Glad you were able to get through your busy weekend without too many problems from your little bun :)

    Saturday I went to Ty and Lisa's garage sale and bought some of Ty's old shirts for Michael...after that, I met up for coffee with my friend Erika who designed our save-the-dates and is also doing our invitations. We looked at some paper samples and discussed the over-all design. I am so excited! In the afternoon, I had coffee with an old co-worker, and we got to catch up again, which was nice.

    I can't wait til we live close enough to have coffee together on a regular basis! :)


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