Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful on a Thursday: energy

It has been 4 weeks since the nausea (not morning, but more like all day and especially at night sickness), indigestion + heartburn, headaches, and just plain exhaustion settled in. Since then our house has become a complete disaster area. Literally 4-5 loads of laundry sat in baskets unfolded and rummaged through each day to find what we needed. Dishes piled high until Ben had a free evening to take them on. Clutter gathered all of our desk and in the middle of the dining room table. There had been just enough room at the edge to keep Kai from reaching the mess and to for us to eat dinner there. I could take pictures to prove it, but since I haven't even posted pictures of what our home looks like on a good day, I don't think I want to start with the mess.

Thankfully I've had some energy returning to me and Ben has had more free evenings this week than the usual week. Last night we got all but 1 load of laundry put away while we waited for Malakai to fall asleep (the daylight savings thing has really put a damper on our routine). Today I hope to get the other load, plus one that is currently washing all put away, the clutter organized and out of the way and generally cleanliness and order restored to our home. The perfect motivators: renewed energy, and houseguests tomorrow!

So here's my thankful list and then I'm off to burn up this energy before it disappears!

I am thankful for...

551. feeling a bit better today than days past.

552. new games with Malakai that we invent together. playtime is so fun these days!

553. the hope I have in God's provision for the money we'll need for Kai's surgery + new little Bean's birth.

554. a "new" free phone. Somehow I got a free upgrade and am getting a certified pre-owned LG Octane to replace my 2 year old EnV2. I'm guessing this will be my last phone before everything is a smartphone.

555. our small home that keeps us living simple. I'm actually EXCITED for a spring clean to make more room in this place.

556. Swap Mama's. I discovered this site after a google search for used maternity clothes (all my old stuff is too big). LOVE it! I am able to swap a bunch of my clothes for maternity stuff just for the price of shipping, score!

557. lists. I've always loved lists, but being able to use my chalkboard in the kitchen not only saves on scraps of paper all over the place but it also saves my poor tired pregnant brain from forgetting important things.

558. white noise. Everyone in this house (especially Kai) sleeps soundly thanks to the heavy rain sound on our alarm clock.

559. being pregnant. I'm so thankful for the new life growing in my belly. We can't wait to find out the gender so we can plan, but that hasn't stopped us from buying baby stuff already!

560. forgiveness. My husband is so patient and forgiving and Lord knows I need him to be when I'm feeling sick, tired, and just plain cranky.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I like #555! We live in a small home as well, and I LOVE it! Cozy, much easier to clean, and easier to keep an eye(and ear) on kids! :)

  2. hi, sweet friend!
    you won the folding chair designs giveaway!
    please email amy at:



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