Tuesday, March 8, 2011

spring purge

I want to do an ENORMOUS spring clean purge of our house. We have boxes and boxes in the garage and in our closets that we haven't opened since we moved them here almost a year ago. We did a garage sale and donation just after we packed up our previous house, but now it's time to do it again. I want this to be the biggest boldest purge we've ever done. I want to get rid of clothes that I've saved forever, items that might even be slightly sentimental, and paperwork that we've held on to for longer than necessary.


I still feel like junk (I know, I'm such a whiner). Last night as I was going to sleep I mentally pictured items in my closet that I would throw in the box. I even thought about all the stuff in our guest room that will most likely become Kai's new room before baby comes. I literally started to mentally catalogue stuff in to different boxes. Donate, trash, recycle, garage sale, keep. You know, Clean Sweep style. Oh how I wish we had HGtv. Anyway, I eventually fell asleep so I didn't finish. As soon as I'm feeling better (if not sooner) I'm definitely ready to make room in our small home. I can't wait! The nesting phase must hit earlier the second time around...

Do you do a spring cleaning? How do you keep your house from getting too cluttered? I'd love your ideas!


  1. I am always getting rid of things- you might even say that it is an obsession of mine. I just cannot stand having things around that are not needed, used, loved. My family comes to me for motivation to purge! I love it- but I do sometimes feel like Peter Walsh from Clean Sweep (I used to watch that show a lot- but we haven't had cable for over a year now- miss it). Some people just get so attached to things- I don't understand. I've never been one to be super sentimental about my possessions. There are, of course some things that I will keep- love letters :) and a copy of our wedding invitation, etc. If I really want to get rid of something from my childhood but I'm having a hard time because it holds some type of memory for me then I just take a photo of it and that solves the problem!

  2. I definitely need to spring clean my office and garage - does not sound fun ;p


  3. I have been offline for a few days, and am just catching up. I am so so sorry to hear about Kai's hernia, I would be terrified too. You will all be in my prayers.


thanks for responding, I love your feedback!

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